    本文主要论述了车辆主动悬架系统的建模和控制,建立了车辆主动悬架 1/4模型、1/2 模型和整车模型,同还给出了 1/2 模型和整车模型的解耦形式。在设计主动悬架系统控制器时,先后为 1/4 模型设计了三种控制器——天棚控制器、PID 控制器和模糊 PID 控制器。在此基础上,利用 1/2 模型和整车模型的解耦形式,为 1/2 模型和整车模型设计了天棚控制器和 PID 控制器,以上控制系统在仿真中表现出良好的性能。  22416
    毕业论文关键词  车辆悬架  主动控制  解耦模型  天棚控制  PID控制  
    Title    Controller Design for Vehicle Active  Suspension System                                
    Suspension system is the very important part of a car. A good suspension
    system can improve the overall car performance, especially ride comfort
    and handling safety. With the improvement of people's living standards,
    the traditional passive suspension has been unable to meet the people’s
    requirements. The active suspension system can well improve ride comfort
    and handling safety of the car.  Thus, the study of high-performance active
    suspension systems become a hot spot in recent years.
    This paper mainly discusses modeling and control of the vehicle active
    suspension system. The quarter-, half, and full-car active suspension
    models are established in this paper. Also, the decoupled forms of the
    quarter- and full-car model are given here. In the design of the active
    suspension system controller, three controllers, ceiling controller, PID
    controller and fuzzy PID controllers, are designed for the quarter-car
    model. On this basis, taking use of the decoupled forms of the quarter-
    and full-car model, the ceiling controller and PID controller are designed
    for the half- and full-car model. The above control systems show good
    performance in simulation.
    Keywords    Vehicle suspension   Active control   Decoupling model   
    Ceiling control   PID control
     目  次
    1  绪论   1
    1.1  车辆悬架简述   1
    1.2  课题研究的背景及意义   3
    1.3  主动悬架系统国内外研究现状   4
    1.4  本文主要研究内容   5
    2  系统建模   7
    2.1  1/4模型  .  7
    2.2  1/2模型    10
    2.3  整车模型 .  15
    2.4  路面输入模型 .  20
    2.5  本章小结 .  23
    3  系统特性分析 .  24
    3.1  1/4模型系统特性分析    24
    3.2  1/2模型系统特性分析    26
    3.3  整车模型系统特性分析 .  28
    3.4  本章小结 .  29
    4  车辆主动悬架系统 1/4模型控制器设计 .  30
    4.1  基于天棚阻尼振动控制的控制器设计 .  30
    4.2  PID控制器设计    33
    4.3  基于模糊控制的控制器设计 .  36
    4.4  本章小结 .  39
    5  车辆主动悬架系统 1/2模型控制器设计 .  40
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