The Design of Gas Chamber Heating Furnace
Abstract: This design is designed for the design of a new gas chamber furnace, mainly to determine the basic size of the furnace, the design of the fuel and exhaust system.The co- ncrete steps are the calculation of fuel combustion, he determination of the heating syste- m, the determination of the heating time of the billet, the determination of the basic size of the furnace, the calculation of the heat balance and the determination of the fuel consu- mption. Selection of burners, design of flue, chimney design, heat exchanger design,pipi- ng calculation, and final fan selection. The furnace adopts the standard three stage heatin- g method, one section of the preheating section, one section of the heating section, and one section of the heating section.Furnace gas is used as fuel for walking beam reheating furnace. In the design of the smoke exhaust system, the design of the flue size and the ca- lculation of the resistance of the flue are mainly carried out, then the height of the chimn- ey is determined, and then the model of the fan is determined by the design of the pipe and the related calculation. As a matter of course, walking beam reheating furnace has many advantages, such as low heat consumption, high yield and strong applicability.
Keywords: gas chamber heating furnace;generator gas;car bottom furnace
1绪论 1
1.1课题的目的和意义 1
1.3发展趋势 3
2燃料燃烧计算 4
2.1燃料燃烧的已知条件 4
2.2燃料燃烧的计算步骤 4
2.21低发热量 4
2.22空气需要量和产物生成量 4
2.23燃烧产物的成分 6
2.24理论燃烧温度与实际燃烧温度 7
3加热时间 9
3.1炉温制度曲线 9
3.2金属加热时间的计算 10
3.21预热时间的计算 11
3.22加热时间的计算 13
3.23均热段时间计算 15
4炉子基本尺寸的确定和几个有关的指标 17
4.1炉长 17
4.2炉宽 17
4.3炉高 17
4.4炉墙散热及各间层的温度 18