    本文围绕校园减速带减速效果展开。首先,辨析了减速带的概念、分类,减速带的控速原理以及理想减速带的特性,对国内外现状减速带进行分析,指出目前基于校园减速带效果及布设方式研究的不足与空白,明确本文的研究方向。 27499
    关键词  减速带 管控效果 管控范围 布设方案
    Title    The Research on effect of speed control humps on campus                    
    The paper analyzes deceleration of deceleration belt around campus. Firstly, analysis of the the concept, classification, deceleration belt speed control principle and ideal deceleration characteristics, analysis of the status quo of deceleration belt in the domestic and external, based on the deficiency and blank zone of campus deceleration effect and the layout of, clear the research direction is pointed out. Secondly, the combination of  University of science and technology through on campus in a road deceleration strip field survey collected vehicle speed data, before and after the use of the method of comparative analysis, focuses on deceleration zone upstream and deceleration with integral deceleration effect, and the speed of each subsection in-depth study. On the basis of analysis deceleration with slow and the scope of control, finally, according to the results of theoretical research and  University of University of Technology campus motorized vehicles status, put forward a more reasonable deceleration zone layout scheme.
    Keywords  Speed bumps ,Control effect ,Control range, Layout scheme
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景与意义    1
    1.2主要研究内容    2
    1.3论文技术路线    3
    2  国内外研究现状    4
    2.1国内研究现状    4
    2.2国外研究现状    5
    2.3减速带的释义与分类    6
    3  数据采集    11
    3.1调查方案    11
    3.2实地调查    13
    4  速度管控效果分析    18
    4.1减速带的上游减速效果分析    18
    4.2通过减速带减速效果分析    20
    4.3减速带管控范围分析    22
    4.4通过减速带减速效果深入比较分析    25
    5  校园减速带的设置    27
    5.1校园内减速带类型选取影响因素分析    27
    5.2 减速带设置原则    27
    5.3 校园内减速带设置一般场合及注意事项    28
    5.4 校园内减速带的设置——以南理工为实例    29
    结论    33
    致谢    34
    参考文献    35
    1  绪论
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