    关键词  制动  防抱死制动系统 模糊控制 滑移率
    Title    Design of Automobile anti-lock braking system   based on fuzzy control                                                
    Automobile anti-lock braking system can effectively prevent wheel lock and avoid losing the steering ability, the sideslip and some other insecure conditions .In the paper, in-depth research of the principle of ABS, major components and the fuzzy control process of ABS system is carried out and a single wheel automobile model is established. Then, the fuzzy controller with the structure of double inputs and single output is designed containing the error and error change ratio of slip ratio, which are inputs, and the braking pressure, which is output. Using the MATLAB / SIMULINK software, the simulation of different pavement conditions and different initial speeds is accomplished.At last,the effect of the parameters on the system performance is analyzed. The simulation results demonstrate that the fuzzy control of the anti-lock braking system can keep slip ratio in the best condition, which can shorten the braking distance and ensure the safety of passengers effectively.
    Keywords  braking   ABS   fuzzy control   slip ratio
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  汽车防抱死制动系统及意义    1
    1.2  ABS的优点和种类    1
    1.3  汽车ABS系统的发展现状和趋势    2
    1.4  本文研究工作的意义和主要研究内容    3
    1.5  本章小结    4
    2  ABS系统的工作原理和运动分析    5
    2. 1  ABS系统的工作原理    5
    2. 2  ABS系统装置的结构    5
    2. 3  ABS系统的控制过程    6
    2.4 汽车制动时的运动分析    8
    2.5 本章小结    11
    3  模糊控制    12
    3.1  模糊控制系统的组成    12
    3.2模糊控制器的输入变量和输出变量文数的设计    12
    3.3 输入输出变量的论域和模糊语言变量的设定    13
    3.4  模糊语言变量的隶属度函数的设计    13
    3.5模糊控制器的规则设计    15
    3.6去模糊处理输出数值    16
    4  汽车ABS模糊控制系统的仿真及结果分析    19
    4.1  MATLAB软件及其特点    19
    4.2  SIMULINK软件包    19
    4.3  汽车制动系统模型    19
    4.4  不同路面下汽车ABS模糊控制系统的仿真与分析    22
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