    vehicle traveling data recorder
    Abstract: In 21st century, the car has become more and more indispensable for each family transport. Car ownership continued to increase, while the number of cars increases also caused an increase in traffic accidents. Vehicle data recorder as a way to record and save the car data real-time monitoring of automobile electronic products, becomes more and more demand for the society.
    This article briefly describes cars with datalogger and its development worldwide, analyzed the cars with a data logger configuration and it works. On this basis, in accordance with national standards for testing and recording cars main driving parameters were studied. Complete with hardware on the Hall sensor speed signal acquisition and choose the 51 series of 8031 microcontroller of choice, memory use 62128 data memory. SCM assembly language to achieve the required functionality, the communication uses the RS232 serial communication.
    Keywords: vehicle data recorder, hall sensors, real-time clock, data communications
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  汽车行驶数据记录仪简介    2
    1.3  国内外应用及发展状况    2
    1.4  论文结构    3
    系统所采用的单片机介绍    4
    2.1  8031单片机引脚功能介绍    4
    3  硬件设计    6
    3.1  主处理器的选择    6
    3.2    电源电路器件选择    7
    3.3    系统时钟模块设计    8
    3.4  看门狗电路的设计    9
    3.5  数据储存系统硬件设计    10
    3.6  通讯口设计    10
    3.6.1  RS232通讯口设计    10
    3.6.2  USB口设计    12
    3.7  速度信号检测模块及其实现    13
    3.7.1  霍尔转速传感器的工作原理    13
    3.7.2  传感器主要技术指标    13
    3.7.3  速度测量原理    14
    3.7.4  由THS118型霍尔元件组成的速度测量电路    14
    3.8  开关信号的获取及接口电路    15
    3.9  显示器    16
    3.10 系统的抗干扰设计    17
    3.10.1  系统可能存在的干扰    17
    3.10.2  硬件抗干扰设计    17
    4  系统的软件设计    19
    4.1  系统主程序设计    19
    4.2  信号采集子程序设计    19
    4.2.1  信号采集子程序    19
    4.2.2  信号处理    20
    4.3  数据存储子程序设计    22
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