    摘要:    交通信号的控制能够有效的改善道路交通的拥堵情况,它在我们城市的发展上面起到了重要的作用。而在现在的各个城市的交叉口的信号灯控制上,单点交叉口信号控制所占的比例比较重,所以对于单点交叉口信号控制算法的优化是很有必要的。本论文就是对单点交叉口信号的算法进行了研究,目的是更好的改善算法从而提高交叉口拥堵的问题。主要工作和研究的成果有三点,分别是:在相位设计的方面,从几何,交通状况、效率、安全上考虑,让相位的数值成为一个可设置的值;把交叉口情况看成2人做互相抛球,球的质量替代车流量,当绿灯时抛出手中的球,抛球的质量受到设置的相位、绿灯时间等值的影响,同时通过一定的计算方式来计算使用方法的效率值;基于不同的交通信号的设置方式,设计出固定配时抛球和见球就抛两种抛球模式。6065
    关键词:    相位设计;抛球;效率值;固定配时;见球就抛
    Toss ball model based Interaction between Traffic Signal Control
    Abstract: Traffic signal control can effectively improve road traffic congestion, it is in the development of our city has played an important role in the above. And in what is now the intersection of each city lights control, single point of intersection signal control the proportion of relatively heavy, so for a single point of intersection signal control algorithm optimization is necessary. This thesis is on the single point of intersection signal algorithm is studied, the purpose is to better improve the algorithm to improve intersection congestion problems. The main work and research results with three points, namely: in the design phase, from geometry, traffic conditions, efficiency, safety considerations, so that the phase values can be set as a value; case as the intersection of two people to do each toss, the ball's quality alternative to traffic, when the green light is thrown in the hands of the ball, toss quality by setting the phase of the green time equivalent effect, through a certain method of calculation methods used to calculate the value of efficiency; based on different traffic signal is set up to design a fixed-time and see the ball toss toss toss two kinds of modes.
    Keywords:    Phase design; toss; efficiency value; fixed timing; see the ball thrown
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景和意义    1
    1.2    论文完成的主要工作    1
    1.3    论文结构    2
    2    国内外研究综述    4
    2.1    国外研究历史和现状    4
    2.2    国内研究历史和现状    5
    2.3    小结    6
    3    单点控制分析    7
    3.1    单点控制步骤    7
    3.1.1    第一步,车道的划分和渠化的设计。    7
    3.1.2    第二步,相位方案预先选择。    7
    3.1.3    第三步,交叉口信号的配时设计(配时方案的生成)。    7
    3.2    交通信号控制方式    9
    3.2.1    定时信号控制方式    9
    3.2.2    感应控制方法    9
    3.2.3    基于智能控制的控制方法    9
    3.3    交通信号控制能力的评价指标    10
    3.3.1    通行能力    10
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