    关键词  落锤冲击  控制部分  步进电机  硬件设计
    Title     The design of the control section of impact dynamic
        parameters measurement system

    Abstract The dynamic testing system for parameters of hammer impact can do the test of mechanical and technological properties of various kinds of metal and nonmetal.
      This graduation design focus on the design of of impact dynamic parameters measurement system,according to the overall program requirements. Stepper motor and the control system of stepper motor is introduced. According to the actual situation, I choose the AT89C51 to be the most important part of the hardware. I choose the SH-30806 as the driver of the stepper motor. This thesis focus on the design of the hardware of dynamic testing system for parameters of hammer impact and the software design. After the user set the height on the LCD, the stepper motor decline automatically to the bottom and suck the hammer, then rise to the setted height. It is prepared for the test. After the experiment of the system, the results meet the requirement.
    Keywords:  parameters of hammer impact   the section of control
                 stepper motor    hardware design
    目   次  

    1  绪论    1
       1.1  课题背景及研究意义    1
       1.2  国内外研究现状分析    1
       1.3  研究主要内容    3
       1.4  论文结构    3
    2  步进电机及其控制系统概述    4
       2.1  步进电机的特点    4
       2.2  步进电机分类    4
       2.3  步进电机工作原理    5
       2.4  步进电机控制系统简介    8
       2.5  本章小结    10
    3  冲击式动态参数测量系统控制部分硬件设计总体方案以及关键器件选型    11
       3.1  冲击式动态参数测量系统控制部分硬件设计总体方案    11
       3.2  单片机选型    12
       3.3  步进电机驱动器选型    13
       3.4  本章小结    14
    4  系统硬件设计    15
       4.1  硬件系统组成    15
       4.2  系统单片机    15
       4.3  系统外围电路    18
           4.3.1  电源模块设计    18
           4.3.2  LCD显示模块设计    19
           4.3.3  键盘模块设计    21
           4.3.4  电机控制模块设计    22
           4.3.5  通信模块设计    23
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