    Analysis of the application of intelligent control in AC vector control system
    Abstract:With the development of power electronic technology, AC variable frequency speed regulation has been gradually replaced the traditional DC motor drive, become the mainstream of electric drive. With its superior speed and braking performance, high efficiency, high power factor and energy-saving effect, wide application range and other advantages, is recognized as the most promising way to speed at home and abroad, its importance has been paid more attention to, vector control is to improve its performance. Fuzzy control does not need to establish accurate mathematical model, but using the fuzzy theory, the method and strategy of knowledge, reasoning and control process are realized by the fuzzy controller. So the fuzzy control for those difficult to obtain the mathematical model or industrial system model is very rough, such as the big lag, nonlinear complex industrial object implementation has unique advantage. This design by establishing variable frequency speed control model of induction motor vector control system, simulation was conducted using Matlab/Simulink software. fuzzy control is applied to the verification of variable frequency speed regulation system to verify whether has better control characteristics.
    Keywords:inverter; vector control; fuzzy control

    1.引言    1
    1.1 国内外变频技术的发展现状    1
    1.1.1 国内变频调速技术的发展概况    2
    1.1.2 国外变频调速技术的发展概况    2
    1.2 模糊控制理论的概况    3
    1.2.1.模糊控制的优点    4
    1.2.2.模糊控制的缺点    4
    1.2.3.模糊控制的发展前景展望    4
    1.3交流调速技术与智能控制的发展    5
    1.4 选题的依据    5
    2.变频调速系统的结构分析    7
    2.1变频调速的工作原理    7
    2.1.1基频以下调速    7
    2.1.2基频以上调速    8
    2.2 交流调速系统结构    9
    3 坐标变化和变换矩阵    11
    3.1三相--两相变换(3/2变换)    11
    3.2三相异步电动机在两相坐标系上的状态方程    13
    4 模糊控制原理与模糊控制器的设计实现    14
    4.1 模糊控制原理    14
    4.1.1 模糊控制的基本思想    14
    4.1.2模糊控制器的基本结构    15
    4.1.3模糊控制的特点    16
    4.2 模糊控制器的设计    17
    4.2.1输入模糊化    18
    4.2.2建立规则    19
    4.2.3 解模糊    21
    5 软件介绍及模型实现    23
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