    关键词  配建停车 指标体系 需求预测 停车规划
    Title    Planning and Design of the Building’s Parking                 
    The problem that the number of cars is more than the number of parking spaces has become increasingly evident and it gradually become a barrier of developing urban traffic, thus it affects the city's rapid development  indirectly. As the main measure of developing the level of parking supply, it’s so important to plan and design the building’s parking. By the   comparison with foreign research results, it comes to the inadequacies of   parking standards of our country and confirms that it’s not adjusting to the rapid development of today's economic. At the same time it also affects the process of urbanization of the cities in China. On this basis, by   in-depth study of the formulation of the buildings built with the parking indicator system, I establish the building's parking demand forecasting model, combine the model and the actual survey data, and finally get a more applicable standard of the building’ parking.
    Keywords  Building’s parking, Index system, Demand forecasting, Parking plan
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1 国外研究现状    1
    1.2.2 国内研究现状    3
    1.3 研究对象和主要内容    4
    1.4 技术路线和研究方法    4
    1.5 本章小结    6
    2 配建停车    7
    2.1 配建停车概念    7
    2.2 城市停车方式分类    7
    2.3 国内外配建停车标准分析    8
    2.3.1 国外配建停车标准分析    8
    2.3.2 国内城市配建停车标准分析    10
    2.4 我国现行配建停车标准存在的问题    15
    2.5 针对配建停车不足问题的对策    16
    2.6 本章小结    17
    3 配建停车指标体系的制定    18
    3.1 配建停车标准的影响因素分析    18
    3.2 配建停车标准制定步骤    19
    3.3 配建停车场建筑物分类    20
    3.3.1 建筑物土地利用性质    20
    3.3.2 建筑物车辆的需求强度和停放性质    20
    3.3.3 配建停车建筑物分类    21
    3.4 建筑物停车需求预测    29
    3.4.1 配建停车需求预测模型分类    29
    3.4.2 配建停车需求率预测方法    30
    3.4.3 配建停车需求的分布特征    32
    3.5 配建停车指标的制定    33
    3.6 本章小结    35
    4 实例——以南京理工大学孝陵卫校区为例    36
    4.1 校区基本特性    36
    4.2 现有配建停车出现的问题    38
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