




    毕业论文关键词:51单片机   输液报警   滴速检测

    Design of intelligent monitoring and warning system for transfusion

    Abstract  Social progress, science  has made progress, also follow the progress of medical science, the world is more and more intelligent, the human doctor more convenient, but also more timely and effective treatment. Intravenous infusion is playing an increasingly important role in medicine. In the modern treatment of human diseases, this approach has a pivotal position. The graduation project is Intelligent alarm system for the subject transfusion, this graduation design is based on 51 microcontroller core.

      The design is very simple and convenient, but also very easy to operate, health care workers to use this design can easily adjust the infusion rate, have very large implications for health care workers who make their work easier, more relaxed, and will not sometimes so busy.

      This design can realize many functions: intelligent droplet velocity can be obtained during the infusion and digital display, you can set the maximum and minimum values droplet velocity, when the infusion rate is not within this range will call the police and have a blood test back function, it will return to the blood when there is an alarm. Up the shortfall Infusion Alarm System, and has a profound effect on the development of the medical field, and promote further development of researchers. Research this subject for future study provides important support.

      This paper has 15 figures, 3 tables, 15 references.

    Key Words: 51 Microcontroller  Transfusion alarm  Drip detection

    目  录






    1 绪论-1

    1.1  医疗输液监控系统设计背景1

    1.2  输液监控系统设计的背景-2

    2 系统方案设计与论证-3

    2.1  系统硬件总体设计方案3

    2.2  点滴速度测量电路方案3

    2.3  回血检测电路方案4

    2.4 显示模块接口电路方案4

    2.5  键盘接口电路方案4

    2.6  单片机型号的选择与论证-5

    3 输液系统硬件设计9

    3.1  滴速检测模块及工作原理-9

    3.2  报警模块 11

    3.3  复位电路-12

    3.4  显示模块-12

    3.5  按键模块-12

    4 系统软件及框图设计14

    4.1 软件介绍14



    5 结论-17

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