

    毕业论文关键词:超声波传感器模块  STC89C52芯片  倒车雷达  蜂鸣器

    Design of Reversing radar Based on Microcontroller Unit 


    This design uses STC89C52 chip STC company developed a highly cost-effective CMOS8 bit microcontroller, an enhanced version of 8051, with 6 clock cycles and 12 clock cycles two options. Lower operating frequency, only 0 to 40MHz. When programming, no special interface, rapid entry procedures, low price and so on other benefits. Therefore, a wide range of SCM lovers crowd, is greatly welcomed. This design is mainly through STC89C52 chip control, buzzer alarm circuit, digital display circuit and the ultrasonic sensor module circuit. Ultrasonic sensor uses the common market, HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging module, which have both transmit and receive functions. Capable of emitting ultrasonic range of up to 4m, there are at least 2cm. Operating voltage 5V, can use battery-powered or USB powered. The final product can be achieved error range [-5,5] (Unit: cm) distance measurement. Meet reversing function for cars and other vehicles.Has three settings buttons to set the value you want to set security, the value of the last measured ultrasonic ranging module with its own set of values than, greater than or equal to not alarm, less than when the alarm buzzer alarm.

    Key words: Ultrasonic sensor module  STC89C52 chip  Reversing radar  Buzzer alarm

    目    录





    1  绪论

    1.1  设计研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外发展现状 1

    2  总体设计方案及论证 3

    2.1  总体方案设计 3

    3  硬件实现及单元电路设计 5

    3.1  最小系统模块 5

    3.2  硬件电路的设计. 5

    3.3  电源设计 6

    3.4  超声波测距模块 6

        3.5  超声波 7

    3.6  超声波传感器原理 10

    3.7  测距分析 11

    3.8  复位电路的设计 12

    3.9  声音报警电路的设计 12

    3.10 显示模块

  1. 上一篇:STC89C51单片机输液智能监测报警系统设计+电路图+程序
  2. 下一篇:STC89C52单片机倒车雷达系统设计+电路图+程序
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