
    摘 要:随着国民经济的飞速发展,人民生活水平有了显著的提高,对反季节蔬菜需求量也日益增加,所以冬季蔬菜大棚的市场日渐扩大。但传统蔬菜大棚的温度靠人工调控,费时费力并且准确性不高,影响植物生长,因此需要设计出智能化的蔬菜大棚控制系统。本设计是以单片机为基础的智能温度调控系统,通过温度传感器测量的实际温度反馈给单片机并通过LCD显示屏显示出来。当温度高于预设温度时,单片机控制通风机加快运转使温度降低;当温度低于预设温度时,单片机控制热风机运转提高大棚内温度。本设计节省了大量人力物力并且温度调控更加准确精细,使植物可以更好的成长。55438


    Abstract: With the rapid development of national economy, people's living standard has improved significantly .The demand for anti-season vegetables is also increasing, so the winter vegetable greenhouses market continues to expand. But traditional vegetable greenhouses by artificial regulation of temperature, which are time-consuming and low accuracy, influence plant growth, so we need to design intelligent vegetable greenhouse control system .This design introduces intelligent temperature control system based on single-chip microcomputer, measuring the actual temperature through the temperature sensor feedback to single-chip microcomputer and displayed by LCD display .When the temperature is higher than the preset temperature ,microcomputer can lower the temperature by controlling the ventilator speed up work .When the temperature is lower than the preset temperature, microcomputer controls the hot-air blower operate to raise the temperature in greenhouse. This design saves a lot of manpower and resources , and more accurate temperature control, so that plants can grow better.

    Keywords: SCM, temperature sensor, fan, hot blast machine, LCD display

    目 录 3

    1 前言 4

    1.1 选题背景 4

    1.2 国内外发展动态 4

    1.3 设计目的 5

    2 控制系统设计方案的确定 5

    2.1 系统的组成 5

    2.2 各部件功能 5

    3 系统各模块硬件设计 6

    3.1 单片机模块简介 6

    3.2 温度检测模块 8

    3.3 数据显示模块 11

    3.4 报警模块 11

    3.5 电源模块 12

    3.6 强电驱动与控制模块 13

    3.7 时钟模块 13

    3.8 键盘模块 14

    3.9 总电路图 15

    4 系统的软件设计 16

    4.1 主程序 16

    4.2 时间、温度显示子程序 18

    4.3 读取温度子程序 19

    4.4 温度上下限设置子程序 20

    4.5 时间调整子程序 21

    4.6 温度传感器DSI 8820驱动程序 22

    4.7 时钟芯片DSl302驱动程序 24

    4.8 显示模块LCDl286401C并口驱动程序

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