摘   要 物联网技术是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分,也是如今“信息化”时代,我们正在经历的重要发展阶段之一。顾名思义,物联网是指互联网广泛于物与物之间,从而使得物与物之间能够相互进行信息的交流。这其中包含了两层意思:第一是指, 物联网的发展离不开互联网,更是在互联网的基础上进行拓展和延伸;第二是指,物联网的终端不仅仅只是像互联网局限于个人手机电脑等终端,而是进一步的加以拓展,延伸至任何物品之间,从而让它们能够进行信息的交互和控制。 自从 1898 年水面无人艇的概念第一次被实现,随着材料成型、信息技术、自动控制技术等相关技术不断地突破成熟,水面无人艇也渐渐迎来了发展。如今,水面无人艇作为一种水面自航载体,具有航速高,能够智能控制,可以代替人在危险区域探查海况等优点,并且模块化设计使得水面无人艇能够在不同的条件下选用不同的模块,从而能够执行巡逻、探查、检测、搜救等多种不同的任务。因此,目前已有十几个不同的地区和国家对于水面无人艇进行设计和研究,并广泛的运用于军事和民用领域。 在船舶工业领域,已有部分学者对于船舶行业基于物联网方向有一定的研究,然而基于物联网的无人艇功能实现分析尚未见到有相关报道或论文。就目前而言,基于物联网的无人艇功能实现分析仍处于起步阶段,对于物联网领域和船舶领域的学科融合仍有很大的发展空间。物联网作为一个新兴的领域,将其运用于船舶行业之中所带来的好处是不言而喻的,对于水面无人艇而言,通过物联网系统实现水面无人艇的信息交流与通信,这将会两个学科在无人艇领域紧密结合,并为今后物联网在船舶行业的发展做出一定的贡献。 本文以一艘槽道型水面无人艇作为研究对象,兼顾快速性、操纵性和耐波性来建立该槽道型水面无人艇性能优化数学模型。在研究多种优化算法优劣之后,将数学模型导入至优化算法之中,进行计算并确定船模尺寸。按照优化结果,进行绘图设计,并在室内完成船模的制作和设备安装,在设备安装的同时实现物联网设备的信息传输功能实现和分析。进行船模水密性试验之后,下水测量相关数据并进行分析。最终使得所制作的船模能够进行相关试验,并且物联网系统能够在船模试验中起到信息传输的功能。58199  
Abstract      Internet of things technology is an  important  part of the new generation of information technology, but also one of the essential stage of development in the “Information” era. Just as its name implies, Internet of things is means the Internet connect between thing and thing so that thing and thing could communicate about information with each other. The above words contain two meanings: the first is that Internet of things can’t leave the Internet, the further more,it’s based on the Internet to expand and extend. The second is that the terminal of Internet of things not only limited to PC or mobile phone terminal like Internet, but further extend, extending to any of the items, so that they could carry out the exchange of information and control. Since the concept of the unmanned surface vessel appear in 1898, with corss-correlation technique  like material molding, information  technology, automatic control technology and ect.  continue to break through, the unmanned surface vessel has gradually in the development. Today, the USV as a  surface  carrier, with many advantages such as high speed, intelligent control, can replace people in the danger area exploration of sea conditions and other. Modular design makes the USV can choose different modules in different conditions, thus the USV can carry out the patrol, exploration, detection, search and rescue, and other various tasks. Therefore, there are more than ten different regions and countries have the design and research of the USV, and widely used in military and civilian areas. In the field of shipbuilding industry, some scholars have some research on the direction of the Internet of things, however, there are no relevant reports or papers about  based  on the function of the Internet of things  to achieve some the USV’s function. At present, based on the function of the Internet of things  to achieve some the USV’s function is still in the initial stage, the integration of the field of Internet of things and the subject of the ship is still a lot of space for development. IOT  as  an emerging field, the shipbuilding industry brought about it will take some benefits are without being told.  For USV,  using IOT  to achieve information exchange and communication, it will  pull  the two  subject  closely integrated, and make a certain contribution for the future of the Internet of things develop in shipbuilding industry. In this paper, we will make a unmanned surface vessel model  as the object of study, taking into account the rapidity, maneuverability and wave resistance  to build mathematical model of performance optimization. After studying the advantages and  disadvantages of various optimization algorithms, the mathematical model is introduced into the optimization algorithm to calculate and determine the size of the ship model. According to the optimization results, drawing  and  design,  then  in the room to complete the ship model  making  and equipment installation. During equipment installation, we will achieve  to the information transmission function  by the Internet of things. After the ship model water tightness test is carried out, we could finally make the ship model  do  some  experiment, and the Internet of things system can play the function of information transmission in the ship model experiment.
















