    Magnetic Levitation Control System
    Abstract:With the rail, shipping, aviation and other public services the rapid development of maglev technology industry came into being. Maglev technology in environmental protection, speed, etc. Compared with other existing land transport has a clear advantage, with the traditional wheel-rail transportation systems, non-contact magnetic levitation train by the electromagnetic force rather than mechanical force to achieve support, traction, acceleration and braking functions. Because almost no mechanical contact, the train can run smaller noise, but was as high as 500 kilometers per hour. Therefore maglev technology has great significance.
    This article will focus on magnetic levitation technology suspension system control technology for further research and discussion, the use of Matlab software maglev suspension gap no static error control systems for simulation studies, based on the principle suspended suspension control simulation system design, and system debugging and waveform analysis and obtain the desired results.
    Keyword: Maglev; suspension gap control; static error; simulation
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 磁悬浮交通发展概况    1
    1.1.1 磁悬浮列车的发展    1
    1.1.2 磁悬浮技术的发展趋势    1
    1.2 直线电机的发展和应用    2
    1.3 计算机仿真的意义    3
    1.4本文研究内容    4
    2 磁悬浮原理及应用    6
    2.1 直线电机的工作原理    6
    2.2 电磁悬浮原理    7
    2.3 磁悬浮原理的应用    8
    2.3.1 悬浮系统    9
    2.4 小结    11
    3 仿真软件的介绍和选型    12
    3.1 仿真软件的简介    12
    3.2 MATLAB和SIMULINK简介    17
    3.3 小结    19
    4 对磁悬浮系统的仿真研究    20
    4.1 磁悬浮列车悬浮气隙控制的无静差系统    20
    4.1.1 概述    20
    4.1.2 动态结构图    21
    4.2 悬浮控制系统的模型及仿真    22
    4.2.1建立预期对数频率特性的一般原则    22
    4.3 磁悬浮电磁铁的模型及仿真    23
    4.4励磁电流恒定时电磁力与气隙关系的仿真模型    24
    4.5电磁力恒定时励磁电流与气隙关系的仿真模型    26
    4.6磁悬浮电磁铁的仿真模型    28
    4.7磁悬浮模拟系统的建立    32
    4.8磁悬浮控制系统的模型及仿真    32
    4.3本章小结    35
    5 总结与展望    36
    5.1 回顾与总结    36
    5.2 展望    36
    致  谢    38
    参考文献    39
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