    The design of fire protection system in intelligent building
    Abstractor:With the rapid development of society and science and technology progress, the traditional building has been slowly began to no longer meet the needs of social development,In this context, set in modern building technology, modern computer technology, modern communication technology and modern control technology in the intelligent building has been the rapid development,With the high-rise buildings, entertainment venues, office space is more and more, building fire protection issues which have become particularly important.automatic fire alarm system and fire linkage system is an important part of intelligent building system. Automatic fire alarm system and fire linkage system is an important part of intelligent building system.
    This time my thesis is based outside design institute, to the Handan safety production dispatching center in the design of a mineral company. The construction scale of ten on the ground floor, ground floor, building area of 21130 square meters (underground and on the ground), building height is 42.8 meters. Main is detector, alarm, manual alarm button fire device selection and layout, fire hydrant button, fire calls, linkage control design and selection of fire alarm system, broadcasting system, exhaust system, communication system and so on, and then finally completed the system diagram, the construction drawing work.
    Keywords: Intelligent building; fire; detector; linkage system; fire alarm
    智能建筑消防系统设计    I
    摘要    I
    Abstractor    II
    目录    III
    1引言    1
    1.1    国内外发展概况及存在问题    1
    1.1.1    国外发展概况    1
    1.1.2    国内发展概况及存在问题    1
    1.2    课题目的和意义    1
    1.3    主要毕业设计课题内容    2
    2 火灾报警控制系统的基本形式设计    2
    2.1    报警控制系统分类    2
    2.2    区域火灾报警系统    3
    2.3    集中报警系统    3
    2.3.1    传统型集中报警系统    4
    2.3.2    总线制编码传输型集中报警系统    4
    2.3.3    集中报警系统设计注意事项    4
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