毕业论文关键词:小型可编程控制器 三相异步电动机 变频器
Three-phase asynchronous motor closed-loop speed control and remote monitoring system design
Abstract In the contemporary society, industry rapid development of science and technology bring many kinds of convenience to our life, all walks of life all is closely related to industrial products。 In industrial production, we are inseparable from a variety of mechanical work application, can not do without the help of power system, also cannot leave the motor running。 The motor operation using the same choice without the use of the control system。 Now there is a wide variety of motor, how to choice a suitable, easy to use, and the motor is of high efficiency issue to consider。 According to the requirements of the production process for selecting a suitable motor。 Although the speed of dc motor is simple, but the cost is very high and the noise is very big, although there is no dc motor and ac motor faults, but it is very difficult to control。 But the rapid development of frequency converter for ac motor speed control provides a very big help。 This topic is controlled by PLC system frequency inverter to control motor speed。 THE feedback makes the whole system to achieve the closed-loop speed control。 Through feedback PLC system can be more precise, to control the real-time monitoring system。 Finally, the configuration simulation can clearly see the operation of the whole system。
Key Words: Small programmable controller Three-phase asynchronous motor- frequency converter
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
图清单 IV
表清单 IV
1绪论 1
1。1课题研究的背景和意义 1
1。2相关研究和进展 1
1。3 PLC简介 2
1。4课题研究的主要工作 2
2 闭环调速系统的硬件选型 3
2。1 PLC的特性及选型 3
2。2三相异步电机简介及工作原理 5
2。3变频器的简介及选型 8
2。4 编码器的介绍及测量方法 12
2。5硬件选型总结 13
3 系统硬件与PLC程序设计