
    摘要:本文介绍了基于单片机的通用数据采集装置的设计,数据采集系统是模拟量与数字量之间必不可少的纽带,它的存在具有着十分重要的作用。本文介绍的重点是数据采集系统,而该系统硬件部分的重心在于单片机。数据的采集与通信采用模块化的设计,数据采集与通信采用了单片机AT89S52来实现,硬件部分是以单片机为核心,还包括A/D模数转换模块,显示模块,和串行接口部分。该系统主要负责采集各种现场物理量(液位、温度、流量等),并对这些物理量进行初步处理,再传送至上位机进行后续处理。8路被测电压通过模数转换器PCF8591进行模数转换,实现对采集到的数据进行模拟量到数字量的转换,并将转换后的数据通过串行口MAX232传输到上位机,由上位机负责数据的接受、处理和显示,并用1602字符型液晶显示所采集的结果。软件部分应用Keil uVision4,对数据采集系统、模数转换系统、数据显示、数据通信等程序进行了设计。4315
    关键词:数据采集;AT89S52单片机; PCF8591; MAX232,4315
    The design of universal data acquisition device
    Abstract:This article describes the design of micro controller-based general-purpose data acquisition device.The data collection system is the link between the digital domain and analog domain. It has an very important function.The focus of this paper is the data acquisition system, the center of gravity of the hardware of the system is that the micro controller. Data collection and communication with modular design, data collection and communication with the MCU AT89S52 micro controller as the core of hardware part is, also includes A / D analog-to-digital converter module, display module, and the Serial Interface section. The system is mainly responsible for collecting a variety of on-site physical quantity (level, temperature, flow rate, etc.), and the initial processing of these quantities, and sent to the host computer for subsequent processing. 8 measured voltage by an analog-to-digital converter PCF8591 analog-to-digital conversion, analog to digital conversion on the data collected, and the converted data through the serial port MAX232 transmission to the host computer, the host computer responsible for data acceptance, processing and display, with 1602 Character LCD collected. The software part of the application Keil uVision4, data acquisition systems, analog-to-digital conversion system, data display, data communications program design.
    Keyword: data acquisition ;AT89C52 ;PCF8591 ;MAX232
    1 绪论1
    1.1  研究背景及其目的意义.1
    1.2  国内外研究现状.2
    1.3  该课题研究的主要内容.3
    1.4  课题要求.3
    2 数据采集4
    2.1 数据采集系统4
    2.2 方案论证4
    2.2.1 A/D模数转换的选择.4
    2.2.2 单片机的选择4
    2.2.3 串行口的选择5
    2.2.4 显示部分5
    2.2.5 按键6
    3 硬件设计8
    3.1 AT89C52.8
    3.2 1062LCD.9
    3.3 MAX232.11
    3.4 PCF859112
    3.5 I2C总线16
    3.6 24C0417
    4 软件设计.19
    4.1 软件安装.19
    4.2 编程软件.21
    4.3 程序设计.22
    4.3.2 A/D转换子程序23
    4.3.2 显示子程序.24

     1  绪论
    1.1 研究背景及其目的意义

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