摘要反复折弯校直工艺作为剧烈塑性变形工艺中的重要组成部分,其研究对制造业有 着重大的意义。变形次数与工艺路线的改变对反复折弯校直工艺中金属材料的显微组 织特性、力学性能和硬度都有着显著的影响。本文通过限制模压模具对工业纯铜通过 不同的变形次数与不同工艺路线进行反复折弯校直工艺的试验与模拟研究。模拟后得 到的位移-载荷曲线也验证了拉伸实验的结果,而等效应变图也证实,变形次数越高, 变形均匀度也越好,而经过交叉变形的试样的变形均匀度更好。通过超景深显微镜与 扫描电镜观察显微组织晶粒尺寸与晶界清晰度,发现模压不同次数后的晶粒尺寸轻微 减小,晶界变得模糊,而不同工艺路线后的试样经过交叉变形的试样晶粒略微小于未 交叉变形的试样。而由拉伸试验后的应力-应变曲线、断口分析与延伸率分析得到经 过反复折弯校直变形后纯铜材料的拉伸强度显著提高,而塑性显著降低,交叉变形的 力学性能也优于未交叉变形的材料。80622


ABSTRACT Repetitive corrugation and straightening technology is an important part in  the process of severe plastic deformation。 The research has the important significance to the manufacturing industry。 Changes in number and the process has significant influence on the repeated bending straightening technology of metallic materials microstructure properties, mechanical properties and hardness in deformation。 This paper by limiting the mold of industrial pure copper by different deformation times and different process routes experiment and Simulation Study on repeated bending straightening  technology。 Simulation and load displacement curve is also verified the results of tensile test, and the effect becomes the figure is confirmed, deformation times higher, deformation uniformity is better, and after cross deformation of specimen deformation uniformity is  better。 Through super depth of field microscope and scanning electron microscope observation of microstructure grain size and grain boundary definition, found molded in different times after the grain size slightly decreased, grain boundaries become blurred, and samples of different process routes through cross deformation of specimen grain slightly less than not cross deformation of the specimen。 And by tensile test should stress - strain curve, fracture analysis and elongation analysis after repeated bending straightening deformation after pure copper material tensile strength improved significantly, while the plasticity decreased significantly, the cross deformation of mechanical properties are better than those of cross deformation of the material。

Keywords: repetitive corrugation and straightening; Deformation times; Process route; Organizational characteristics; mechanical property


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 引言 1

1。2 剧烈塑性变形研究现状及发展 1

1。3 反复折弯校直变形方法及原理 2

1。4 反复折弯校直变形方法国内外研究现状 3

1。5 DEFORM 仿真模拟概述 5

1。6 论文主要研究意义及内容 5

1。6。1 研究意义 5

1。6。2 研究内容 5

第二章 实验材料、设备及方法 7

2。1 实验材料及准备










