Figure 12。 Comparison of correlation predictions with experimental data for sheet metal structured packings。

(a) Data of Fitz et al。10 for total reflux distillation of cyclohexane/n-heptane at 5 psia。 Simulations performed with the NRTL property package。 (b) Data reported by Bennett and Pilling58 for total reflux distillation of chlorobenzene/ethylbenzene at 75 torr。 Simulations per- formed with the NRTL  property package。 (c) Data of Agrawal et al。11  for the total reflux distillation of argon/oxygen at 30 psia。 Simula-

tions performed with  the 67

property package。 (d)  Data  of  Shariat and Kunesh57

for total reflux distillation of   cyclohexane/n-hep-

tane at 5 psia。 Simulations performed with the NRTL property package。 Correlations used in this work: Bravo, Rocha, and Fair 1985 (BRF85),6  Bravo, Rocha, and Fair 1992 (BRF92),7  and Billet and    Schultes。5

Figure 13。 Data of Lawal et al。40 for the absorption of CO2 into aqueous MEA (Case 32)。

All simulations performed with Aspen Rate Based Distillation v7。2 using the VPLUG flow model and the ELECNRTL property package。 Cor- relations used in these calculations: Bravo and Fair4  and Onda et al。3

Figure 14。 Data of Gabrielson41 for the absorption of CO2 into aqueous AMP。

All simulations performed with Aspen Rate Based Distillation v7。2 using the VPLUG flow model and the ELECNRTL property package。 Cor- relations used in this work: Bravo, Rocha, and Fair 1985 (BRF85)6  and Bravo, Rocha, and Fair 1992 (BRF92)。7

model。69 The authors40 found that the experimental column temperature profile for Case 32 could not be matched adequately in their simulations using the nominal  flue  gas flow rate of 0。13 kg/s。 They obtained much closer agreement when the flue gas rate was reduced to 0。11 kg/s。 In our sim- ulations, the flue gas flow rate was reduced from the nomi- nally measured value of 0。13 to 0。11 kg/s。 Three mass-transfer correlations were examined: (1) the correlation of Onda et al。,3

(2) the Bravo and Fair correlation of 1982,4  and (3) the   corre-

BRF85 and BRF92 correlations show a much lower CO2 loading than the experimental  data。

Shiveler et al。51 have  reported  performance  data  on  an H2S selective absorber retrofitted with MELLAPAKPLUS 252Y sheet metal structured packing。 The absorber employs aqueous methyl-diethanolamine (MDEA) as the absorbent。 The effi- ciency of MELLAPAKPLUS 252Y has been reported to be virtually identical to that of MELLAPAK 250Y。71 The authors reported the absorption selectivity, defined as yCO  /yH  S, at   the

lation for IMTP developed in this article。 Results are  summar-

ized in Figure 13。 The calculated temperature profiles from all three correlations agree well with the experimentally measured temperature data。 Only the new correlation for IMTP devel- oped in this article matches the temperature profile, the rich amine loading, and the outlet flue gas CO2 concentration simultaneously。

Gabrielson41  has reported data associated with the    absorp-

tion of CO2 by an aqueous solution of 2-amino-2-methyl-1- propanol (AMP) in a column equipped with MELLAPAK 250Y。 A typical set of operating conditions is summarized   in a brochure produced by Aspen  Technology,  Inc。70  Using these operating conditions, both the absorber and the stripper were simulated。 Gabrielson’s experimental temperature pro- file data are shown in Figure 14 along with simulated tem- perature profiles for the BRF85 correlation, the BRF92 cor- relation, and the mass-transfer correlation for sheet metal structured packings of this article。 In our  simulations,  we used the Aspen v7。0 AMP model。70 Each correlation  pro- duces an acceptable approximation to the actual temperature profile。 Gabrielson also reported the CO2 outlet  concentra- tion, the rich solvent CO2 loading, and the stripper reboiler duty。 We also report these in Figure 14 as outputs from each simulation。 The correlation of this article reproduces accepta- ble approximations for all  three quantities。 Results from     the
















