摘要:劳务派遣作为一种新型的用工方式,在我国形成的时间并不算长,但是由于劳务派遣适应了用工单位灵活性用工的需求,因此劳务派遣很快就发展起来。它在促进劳动力市场发育方面,满足企业单位灵活性用工需求方面发挥了较为积极作用。但是由于长期缺乏有效的立法,劳务派遣使被派遣劳动者处在一个非常不利的地位。本文主要分析了劳务派遣中被派遣劳动者权益保障方面存在的问题与成因,同时指出了我国现行法律在保障被派遣劳动者权益方面的不足之处,并有针对性的提出了对我国劳务派遣中被派遣劳动者权益的保护建议,相信这些建议将对保护被派遣劳动者合法权益,促进劳务派遣制度的完善有现实意义。21557 毕业论文关键字:劳务派遣;用工单位;被派遣劳动者
In The Theory of Labor Dispatch Legal Protection for The Rights of Workers
Abstract: Labor dispatching employment as a new type of labor relations, in China is not a long time, but because of its adapt to the needs of employers labor flexibility, developed so quickly, it in promoting labor market development, meet the demand of enterprise flexible employment has played a positive role in such aspects. But due to long-term lack of effective legislation, labor dispatching labor makes the dispatched workers at a serious disadvantage. This paper analyzes the laborers in labor dispatching labor rights and interests protection problems and causes, points out the deficiency of current law in our country, the targeted put forward the our country labor dispatching of dispatched laborers in labor rights and interests protection Suggestions, to the protection of rights and interests of the dispatched workers, and promote the improvement of the labor dispatching labor system has great significance.
Key words: Labor dispatching; The accepting units; The dispatched workers
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