    Marketing Strategy of national brand beverage
    National brand not only has very great economic value, but also has a rich cultural heritage, carrying the nation's beliefs and ideals, many national brands who have condensed the national moral courage and spirit. National brand beverage is full of expectations, although late, but developed rapidly, especially in recent years, some beverage companies brought some expectation to China. But the national beverage brands in the marketing strategy aspect also to have many problems, such as lack of funds brand annexation serious marketing means a single, lack of features, be difficult to form a brand famous brand.
    This paper describes the current status of the domestic beverage brand marketing, and an analysis of some of the advanced experience of foreign countries, the analysis focuses on the domestic beverage brand marketing strategy, and propose some effective marketing tool. Comply with the personality to push and commonality analysis through the phenomenon of nature, adhere to the principle of theory, followed by the national business characteristics, analyzes the general method of marketing strategies and specific programs.
    Key Words:Beverages,  national brands,  marketing
    1 绪论:    6
    1.1 研究背景    6
    1.2 研究目的与意义    7
    1.2.1 研究目的    7
    1.2.2 研究意义    8
    1.3 研究方法    9
    2 外国饮料营销策略归纳与分析    9
    2.1具有全球化视野,实施本土化营销    9
    2.2善于运用4P营销组合    10
    2.3建立完善的分销渠道    11
    3 中国饮料营销策略现状与思考    12
    3.1营销手段单一缺少特色    12
    3.2品牌种类繁多,难成大品牌    13
    3.3产品同质化程度高    13
    3.4资金短缺,合资权益纠纷严重    14
    4 民族饮料可采取的营销策略    14
    4.1关系营销:政企共完善,降低外资并购风险    15
    4.2文化营销:营销组合打特色牌,与外国饮料品牌竞争    15
    4.3绿色营销:传播健康理念,打消消费者疑虑    17
    4.4 事件营销:让民族品牌深入人心    18
    4.5差异化营销:加强产品创新,增加产品的独特性    18
    4.6 口碑营销:好口碑,提高产品竞争力    20
    5 结论    21
    参考文献    22
    致谢    23

    1 绪论:
    1.1 研究背景
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