    毕业论文关键词: 小微企业;商业银行;双赢;合作
    Research about the Cooperation Pattern between Local Commercial Banks and Micro Enterprises
    Abstract: This article analyzes the present situation of the local commercial Banks and micro enterprises, risk and the analysis of the cooperation mode and application. To deal with the problem of micro enterprise financing difficulties, the local commercial bank is the best choice for micro enterprise financing channel. Finding the right point can form a good situation of win-win "fact". Based on industry, policy and market, funds and trading, single-family problem of default risk analysis, through to China Minsheng Banking and Qipu road clothing market as investigation object, detailed investigation statistics and literature online access to comprehensive feasibility of theoretical analysis and operating analysis by myself, put forward the financing needs, customer settlement and urban commercial cooperative mode to solve the problem of financing difficulties. And government department related to the construction of legal system, the formation of good social credit system, to the micro enterprise financing to ease market access and supporting policies, will be able to speed up the formation of this situation.
    Keywords: Micro Enterprise;Commercial Bank;Win-win:Corporation
     目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)课题的研究目的和意义    1
    1、目的    1
    2、意义    1
    (二)课题的研究现状和发展趋势    2
    1、课题研究现状    2
    2、课题发展趋势    2
    (三)课题的可行性研究    3
    1、课题的市场调查研究    3
    2、课题的统计性研究    3
    二、地方商业银行与小微企业合作模式可行性分析    4
    (一)理论上可行性分析    4
    1、大型企业和中小企业生存发展比较分析    4
    2、贷款成本分析    4
    3、贷款收入分析    5
    (二)实践上可行性分析    5
    1、实地观察法    5
    2、访谈调查法    10
    3、文献调查法    12
    三、地方商业银行与小微企业合作模式风险分析    14
    (一)行业与政策风险    14
    1、行业风险    14
    2、政策风险    15
    3、市场风险    15
    (二)资金与交易风险      17
    1、风险分析    18
    2、解决方法    19
    (三)单户违约风险    20
    1、风险分析    20
    2、解决方法    21
    四、地方商业银行与小微企业合作模式提出    23
    (一)融资需求    23
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