    Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Human Resources Management of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Henan Province

    Abstract:The 21st century is the century of human resources, enterprise competition is mainly reflected in the talent competition, people is the most critical resource in the enterprise. To be sustained and rapid development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Henan province, it is necessary to actively develop enterprise human resources, and tap the potential of corporate enterprise human resources.However, the situation is not optimistic of small and medium-sized enterprise human resources management in henan province, and there are many problems,it is not conducive to the further development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the future. In this paper, based on the actual situation of Henan small and medium-sized enterprise human resources management, this paper expounds the importance of human resources management, and puts forward the problems existing in the small and medium-sized enterprises on human resources management, analyzed the cause of the problem. finally, combined with actual situation, put forward the countermeasures to solve the problem. Hereby hope for human resource management can get to good use in the small and medium-sized enterprises in Henan province, so as to promote the development of enterprises.
    key word:Human resources; Small and medium-sized enterprises; Brain drain ;Corporate culture
    目    录

    摘   要: 1
    (一)人力资源管理含义    3
     (二)人力资源管理内容    3
    (三)人力资源管理作用    4
    二、河南省中小企业人力资源管理中存在的问题    5
    (一)人力资源规划不合理    5
    (二)企业缺少正确的人才观,领导者缺乏长期的战略眼光    5
     (三) 不注重员工培训,人才流失严重    6
     (四) 企业文化意识单薄,员工无企业归属感    6
    (五)企业多为家族私营企业,领导任人唯亲    7
    (优尔)激励方法陈旧,手段单一,难以调动员工积极性    7
    三、河南省中小企业人力资源管理存在问题的对策    8
    (一)制定企业战略发展和员工自我价值实现相结合的人力资源规划    8
    (二)创建完善的人才引用和变更制度,打造优质的人力团队    10
    (三)建立学习型组织模式,注重员工的培训与开发    10
    (四)加强企业文化建设,为人力资源管理提供一个良好的文化氛围    11
    (五)建立完善、公平的绩效考核体系,杜绝任人唯亲现象    12
    (优尔)建立多样化的激励体制,调动员工的积极性    12
  1. 上一篇:企业薪酬管理公平性对员工工作态度和行为的影响
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