摘要 :2016年初,房地产市场利好政策不断出台,一线、二线热门城市房地产市场蓬勃发展,房价不断上涨,上海、深圳、苏州、合肥、厦门等地较为突出。下半年多地调控与限购又让房地产的未来走向增添了几分不确定性。在这种形势下,房地产企业想要稳健发展的同时防范风险,就要拥有一个精心策划的营销及推广方案,尤其是对于产品的中后期开发与深耕。本案在广泛调研、综合考虑的基础上,主要应用房地产市场营销策划的理论来分析淮安华德力·运河城的市场环境,根据淮安市市的特定环境、特定区位及消费群体,对该项目进行准确定位,从而制定出适合项目本身的营销及推广方案。91679
Abstract: In early 2016, the real estate market favorable policies continue to introduce, first-line, second tier cities popular real estate market booming, prices continue to rise, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Hefei, Xiamen and other places more prominent。In the second half of the more regulation and restrictions and uncertainty on the future of real estate added a few minutes。In this situation, the development of the real estate enterprise want to steady risk at the same time, will have a carefully planned marketing and promotion plan, especially for the middle and later development and the deepening of products。The case on the basis of extensive research, comprehensive consideration, the main application of the real estate marketing planning theory to analysis the market environment of Huaian Huadeli·Canal City , according to the special environment of huaian city, a particular location and consumer groups, to accurate location of the project, so as to develop suitable for marketing and promoting projects of the project itself。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
Key words: real estate, marketing planning, Huadeli·Canal City
目 录
1 选题条件和依据 4
1。1 选题条件 4
1。2 选题依据 4
1。3 设计项目概况 4
2 设计的性质和目的 5
2。1 设计的性质 5
2。2 设计的要求 5
3 设计内容 5
3。1 房地产营销策划步骤 5
3。2 毕业设计研究方法 7
3。3 参考文献的选用 8
4 设计可行性分析 8
4。1 设计实现的可能性 8
4。2 设计成果分析 8
5 设计的价值 8
5。1 设计的的作用 8
5。2 对专业学习的作用 8
5。3 对社会工作的作用 9
结 论 10
参 考 文 献 11
致 谢 12
1 选题条件和依据
1。1 选题条件来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766