    摘要: 随着银行业的迅猛发展,传统的资产与负债业务早已跟不上当今市场的需求。银行信用卡业务成为了新市场环境下和金融体制下的潜力股。不仅如此,众多商业银行把它看作是扩大收益和增加盈利的重要手段。近几年的弱势和网银安全问题使得招商银行也面临着整改和开拓创新。作为国内信用卡业务领头羊的招商银行,如何在国内外的银行中保持自己的竞争优势,是当下的首要任务。本论文通过对招商银行现状分析、营销分析与规划并展开SWOT分析,深入剖析招商银行市场环境并结合其基本情况,为其制定有品牌价值的营销产品,实现对招商信用卡进步的扩大市场份额,挖掘潜力客户。5670
    关键字: 招商银行  营销战略  信用卡营销
    Credit Card Marketing Strategy of China Merchants Bank Analysis
    Abstract: With the rapid development of the banking industry, the traditional assets and liabilities business already cannot follow the requirements of today's market. Bank credit card business has become the new market environment and financial system under the potential shares. Moreover, many commercial banks regard it as important means to expand revenue and increase profits. Rcently the problem of the defeat and the security at net make this bank reform and innovate. As the domestic credit card business leaders of China Merchants Bank, keep the competitive advantage in the domestic and foreign banks, is the primary task of the present. Based on the analysis of the current situation, China Merchants Bank Marketing Analysis and planning and deployment of SWOT analysis, in-depth analysis of China Merchants Bank market environment and combined with its basic situation, establish brand value marketing products for the implementation of the investment, credit card advances to expand market share, mining potential customers.
    Key word:  China Merchants Bank   Marketing Strategy  Marketing for Credit Card
    一、绪论    3
    (一) 研究目的和意义    3
    (二)课题的研究现状和发展趋势    3
    1.招商银行信用卡现状介绍    3
    2.国内市场研究    3
    3.国外现状研究    4
    (三)发展趋势    4
    二.招商银行信用卡营销环境分析    5
    (一)招商银行信用卡整体环境分析    5
    (二)招商银行信用卡的优势分析    6
    (三)招商银行信用卡的劣势分析    7
    1.盲目的开发客户导致睡眠卡增加    7
    2.产品趋于同质化,创新力度不够    7
    (四)招商银行信用卡的机会分析    8
    (五)招商银行信用卡的威胁分析    8
    三.招商银行信用卡营销战略规划    10
    (一)市场细分    10
    (二)市场定位    10
    (三)战略选择    11
    (四)人员的选择    12
    四.招商银行信用卡营销战略实施    12
    (一)产品战略    12
    (二)价格战略    13
    (三)促销战略    13
    (四)渠道战略    13
    五.总结    14
    (一) 研究目的和意义
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