       The psychological needs of community endowment under the framework of the elderly
    --taking an example of Shanghai C community Day Care Center for the elderly
    Abstract: With the continuous development of social economy, the quality of people's material life are guaranteed, but the problem of psychological needs has been increasingly prominent. In order to cope with the severe challenges of social aging and baby bust, improve their quality of life, to meet the psychological needs of the elderly has become one of the important contents of community endowment. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature research, in-depth interview and participant observation etc.Investigate and study C community Day Care Center for the elderly in Shanghai. Then the models and contents of service of community endowment based on the psychological needs of the elderly are described. Investigate the psychological needs of the elderly and the present psychological care of C community Day Care Center in Shanghai, and analyze the current practice of psychological care and problems. So finally, I put forward several countermeasures and suggestions to improve community endowment service system.
    Keywords: community endowment; Psychological needs; Social work
    目 录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究目的    2
    (三)研究意义    2
    (四)研究创新    2
    二、社区养老服务与老年人心理需求的研究概述    3
    (一)文献综述    3
    (二)相关概念界定    4
    (三)研究方法    5
    三、社区养老服务与老年人心理需求的理论概述    6
    (一)社区养老服务内容及其特性    6
    (二)老年人的心理需求    7
    (三)基于心理需求的社区养老服务模式    9
    四、老年日间服务中心老年人心理需求及服务现状分析    9
    (一)访谈的设计    10
    (二)受访老人概况    10
    (三)日间服务中心基于老年人心理需求的服务现状分析    11
    (四)日间服务中心基于老年人心理需求的服务存在的问题    16
    五、提高社区养老心理需求服务水平的相关对策    18
    (一)完善社区养老服务的保障体系    18
    (二)构建社区养老心理关爱的社会支持网络    20
    结  语    22
    致  谢    23
    参考文献    24
    附  录    25
    当今我国已经进入了老龄化社会阶段,面临着“银发浪潮”带来的巨大养老挑战。老龄化特征主要表现为:老龄人口多,老龄化进程快[ ]。2014年中国民政部副部长窦玉沛曾在国新办新闻发布会上公开了中国老年人口相关数据。目前为止,中国60岁以上老年人口数量已经突破2个亿,占总人口的14.9%,远远超过联合国传统老龄社会10%的比例标准。去年全国老龄委预计,中国老年人口数量将在未来20年达到高峰,“未富先老”成为中国越来越严峻突出的问题[ ]。
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