


    Warehouse management of warehouse distribution integrated logistics center

    Abstract: with the rapid development of electronic business environment, the development of express industry and warehousing industry is increasingly rapid, the domestic express industry after experiencing a rapid expansion to the stage of cost control, how to efficient operation in the case of high cost of storage, warehousing and distribution of goods, as many business third we urgently need to consider and choose. Domestic gradually in recent years in Shanghai and other places appeared similar to the Shanghai third party warehousing business net supply chain Co. Ltd. in this category, specializing in warehouse management and distribution management for the electricity supplier of the goods. This is similar to the type of electric storage third party company because of its emerging industries in recent years with the with the development of the electricity supplier arisen in the warehouse, the warehouse operation management and distribution management exist many problems, such as warehouse location, personnel Scheduling training, general layout and distribution lines and so on. Efficient warehouse and distribution management to increase cargo turnover, improve logistics quality, reduce logistics cost, raise the service level of the logistics, can in warehousing, distribution to improve logistics enterprises in the market of core competition force. This is I found in the warehouse with integrated logistics center warehouse practice some problems of compilation and study, conducts the research to the warehouse storage and distribution optimal allocation of. 

    Key words: warehousing, distribution, optimization, efficiency, cost

    目 录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究的背景和意义 2

    (二)相关研究综述 4

    (三)本文思路与结构 5

    二、仓储管理与配送管理概述 6

    (一)配送管理概述 6

    (二)仓储管理概述 6

    (三)仓储在物流中的作用 8

    三、仓配一体化物流中心的运营管理研究—以上海发网供应链公司为例 9

    (一)上海发网供应链公司姚庄B仓的仓储作业模式 10

    1、物流中心仓库库内流程概述 10


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