    摘要当前中国非公有制企业中有一种主要的形式——家族制企业。很多家族企业在取得了一定程度的发展之后,继续向前迈进,但大部分却没有实现更好的发展。制约我国家族制企业发展壮大的最大阻因是企业内部治理结构存在问题。中国传统家族制企业是否能继续成长和发展的核心在于这个问题能否得到解决。本文首先从我国民营企业治理结构现状入手,运用纵向分析和横向分析等方式,借助相关理论,研究家族制企业治理结构的问题,接着,探讨了我国民营企业两权分离问题。结合民营企业特有的家族化特征,指出引入职业经理人是优化企业结构的关键,制定职业经理人激励机制,在两权有所分离的基础上,实现企业主与职业经理人的共同治理。最后,本文针对我国民营企业内外部环境,提出对其未来发展建议。以此提高企业主创造能力,建立完善的民营企业治理结构, 提高我国企业的整体竞争能力。45315
    毕业论文关键词:民营企业; 家族制企业; 两权分离; 职业经理人
    Family business is the main form of the non-public-owned enterprises in China. When the development of those enterprises reaches a certain level, they should have moved forward but fails to make it. The reason is that family businesses confront the problem of internal governance structure. The fate of those enterprises depends on whether they find a proper solution for this problem or not. On the first part, this paper analyses the problem of internal governance structure of the family business through the horizontal and vertical analysis as well as relevant theories, based on the status quo of the private enterprises in China. On the second part, the paper shows the analysis of two rights separation and according to the features of family business, it points out the key of improving the enterprises’ structure is professional managers. The point is to establish the incentive system to attain corporate governance of entrepreneurs and professional managers based on the separation. On the last part, the paper throws out suggestions for the further development of the private enterprises in order to improve creativity, governance structure and competitiveness.
    Key words: Private enterprise; family business; two rights separation; professional managers
    目    录
    摘    要Ⅰ
    ㈠ 选题背景及意义 1
    国内外理论研究 2
    ㈠ 相关概念界定 …3
    ㈡ 我国民营企业治理结构问题 …4
    ㈠ 影响我国民营企业治理结构的内外因素 7
    ㈡ 优化我国民营企业治理结构的思路 8
    ㈠ 优化内部环境…9㈡ 优化外部环境…12
    参考文献 14
    一、    导论
    ㈠ 选题背景及意义
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