    摘要基于中小城市公共交通发展现状,本文对公交线网规划方法进行了研究。首先,通过对中小城市公共交通系统特征的讨论,初步了解了中小城市的公共交通现状。其次,对中小城市公共交通需求预测进行了阐述,分析了适合中小城市实际情况的需求预测模型和方法。再次,根据中小城市公共交通系统的特点,从公交站点、线网产生和线网优化三方面进行论述,总结归纳了一种基于中小城市特点的、简单实用的公交线网布线方法。并从布线技术性的角度选取评价指标,对方案进行评价,为方案合理性提供科学的依据。最后,论文以泗阳县公交线网规划为例,验证了规划理论和方法的可行性。关键词  中小城市  公共交通系统  需求预测  公交线网规划  线网评价7374
    Title    Research on Public Transportation Network Planning in        Medium-Sized and Small Cities         
    Based on the development status of public transportation in medium-sized and small cities,this paper studied the public transportation network planning methods. Firstly,the paper discussed on the features of public transportation system in medium-sized and small cities,to make reader have a preliminary understanding of the status of public transportation in medium-sized and small cities. Secondly,the public transportation demand forecast in medium-sized and small cities was described and the demand forecast model adapting to the actual situation of medium-sized and small cities was analyzed as well. Then,according to the features of public transportation system in medium-sized and small cities,summed up a simple and practical public transportation network planning methods from three aspects,i.e.,bus station, public transportation network and network optimization. Furthermore ,the evaluation indexes of transportation network setting were selected from the point of the technicality,to evaluate the public transportation network planning project,providing the basis for the rationality of planning project. Finally,taking Siyang as an example,verified the feasibility of the planning theory and the method.
    Keywords  Medium-sized and small cities     Public transportation system Demand forecast    Public transportation network planning          Network optimization
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究概况    1
    1.3  研究内容及技术路线    3
    2  中小城市公共交通系统特征    5
    2.1  中小城市土地利用特征    5
    2.2  中小城市居民出行特征    5
    2.3  中小城市交通工具特征    7
    2.4  中小城市路网特征    8
    2.5  小结    9
    3  中小城市公共交通需求预测    10
    3.1  交通需求预测的内容    10
    3.2  交通生成预测    10
    3.3  交通分布预测    11
    3.4  出行方式划分预测    12
    3.5  小结    13
    4  中小城市公交线网布线方法研究    14
    4.1  公交线网布局原则    14
    4.2  公交线网规划流程    14
    4.3  公交路线站点的选取    15
    4.4  初始线网的产生    17
    4.5  线网的优化    25
    4.6  小结    30
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