


    Factor Analysis on College Graduates Initial Employment and Career Choice      

                    --Taking Zhoukou Normal University for Instance

    Abstract: As universities recruit more students,the amount of university graduates are increasing each year. Because there is  total supply and demand, and structural contradiction, graduates still face great pressure during  the first time of obtaining employment and career choice, research on university graduates employment factors of choosing a career for the first time, for college students' career ideal, promote social reasonable allocation of human resources and social stable development is of great significance. Therefore, through to the Zhoukou Normal University students' employment career factors were investigated for the first time, statistical rate in more than 70% of the employment factors are conforms to inpidual ability and personality, easy to use personal abilities, welfare benefits, opportunities for advancement, good working environment, industry prospect is good. On the basis, further discusses the various factors in the gender, family background and professional differences under the variable, and according to the investigation, proposed take own finding employment skills, pays special attention to the employment guidance work, create a healthy home environment, government policy support, such as advice, of Zhoukou Normal University graduates in employment aspect to offer help. 

    Key words:College Graduates;Initial Employment;Career Choice Factor

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、相关概念阐述 2

    (一)初次就业的界定 2

    (二)择业的内涵 3

    (三)大学毕业生初次就业的主要择业因素 3

    二、实证研究设计 3

    (一)研究对象 3

    (二)研究方法 4

    (三)研究工具 4

    三、实证结果分析 5

    (一)大学毕业生初次就业择业因素总体概况 5

    (二)学院大学毕业生初次就业择业因素分析 6

    四、调查结论与建议 11

    (一)调查结论 11

    (二)大学毕业生初次就业择业的建议 13


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