    Study on the design of perfume type candles fragrance
    Abstract: This paper is to study the perfume type fragrance used in candles. By the results of marketing research and the characteristic of the scented candles, confirmed the type of the fragrance and the raw material. Focusing on a amount of variety of scent impact the overall aroma, and optimized by orthogonal fragranced craft. After development, the finial formulation has been accomplished,the results were as follow: green: 8%; citrus: 5%;  litchi note: 5%; rose note: 25%; floral: 37%; woody: 10%;  animal note: 10%. The production process of the perfume type candles are: the amount of the application is 5% and the temperature is 50 ℃.Furthermore,the scent of this perfume type candles fragrance is clear and fresh,the stability was tested be good and suits the application of the candles.
    Keywords: fragrance of candles; perfume; the application process of candles

    目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    蜡烛熏香    1
    1.2    香水型香精    2
    1.3    本课题的研究目的和意义    4
    2    实验    5
    2.1    实验仪器及设备    5
    2.2    实验原料    5
    2.3    实验内容和方法    5
    2.3.1    确定香气组成的香韵    5
    2.3.2    基础配方方案的选择    6
    2.4    加香实验    8
    3    讨论    10
    3.1    不同香韵原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    10
    3.1.1    青滋香韵香原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    10
    3.1.2    柑橘香韵香原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    12
    3.1.3    荔枝果香韵香原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    14
    3.1.4    玫瑰香韵香原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    16
    3.1.5    复合花香香原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    18
    3.1.6    木香韵香原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    21
    3.1.7    动物香韵香原料对香水型蜡烛香精香气的影响    23
    3.2    正交优化选择最优香精,以及最优蜡烛制备条件    25
    3.2.1    配制较优香精    25
    3.2.2    香水型蜡烛香精应用试验    27
    3.2.3    验证试验    28
    4    结论    29
    4.1    香水型蜡烛香精香韵适宜比列    29
    4.2    香精最优配方    29
    4.3    最优香水型蜡烛制作工艺    31
    致  谢    32
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