摘 要国与国的竞争中,人才是关键。作为人才的培育者-小学教师,在这场竞争中起着不可或缺的作用。小学教师的教育在教育教学质量提高中起着重要作用,所以各个国家都将关注点放在小学教师的教育上。小学教师的教育由职前教育、入职教育、在职教育三个部分构成。本文通过文献法、比较分析法等对中韩小学教师在职教育培训体系进行集中研究。我将教育培训体系分成目标、形式与内容、机关、评价分成四个部分研究,最终对两国进行对比。89025
Abstract A good number of expert professionals are the importance of the competition between countries。 And the teachers who teach the talents are also important in the competition。 Therefore, every country pay attention to the education of teachers。 The education of the in-service teachers consist of prevocational education, vocational education and in-service education。 The article use literature method, comparative analysis method to research the education of the in-service teachers。 The education and training system is pided into four parts, the goal, the form and the content, the organization and the evaluation, and finally I make the comparison between the two countries。
Studies show that China and South Korea, although the language barrier, but the geographical and cultural proximity, with a common historical and cultural background, the development process of teachers in the job training is also more similar, there are common points and differences
Summary of the successful experience of Korean primary school teachers in-service training, for China's training system has a very important reference。
Key Word:teacher,education,the education and training system
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1。1选题背景与研究意义 1
1。1。1选题背景 1
1。1。2研究意义 2
1。2。1国内研究现状 2
1。2。2国外研究现状 3
1。2。3个人评述 3
1。3研究思路与方法 4
1。3。1研究思路 4
1。3。2研究方法 4
1。4创新与源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 不足 4
1。4。1创新之处 4
1。4。2不足之处 5
2概念界定、理论基础 6
2。1核心概念的界定 6
2。1。1教师 6
2。1。2教师在职教育 6
2。1。3培训 6
2。2研究的理论基础 7
2。2。1终身教育理论 7