    关键词   农村留守儿童   济源市贫苦地区  教育问题  对策
    Title     Children left behind on education in poor rural areas Analysis —— In jiyuan city of henan province as an example           
    Rural left-behind children refers to the rural floating population outside the domicile to earn a living when the underage children of lien in the domicile of a special social group. Specifically, it refers to one or both parents separate and left-behind children in the countryside. Due to a lack of normal family to protect the environment, has caused a lot of such as raising, children's mental health in every generation and infringement of the right of personal security and other serious problems, which in turn can lead to imbalance in the countryside elementary education in our country, affecting the smooth implementation of compulsory education. In this article, Jiyuan City in the Henan Province left-behind children in  poor areas, for example, the education of rural children left behind are analyzed and presented corresponding countermeasures are given.
    This article is pided into four chapters.The first chapter mainly introduces the meaning and the purpose of this study.The second chapter mainly introduces the background and cause of rural left-behind children. The third chapter mainly introduces the types of left-behind children care. The fourth chapter of the left-behind children in rural areas and conduct investigations in Jiyuan City, Henan Province, the poor township of children left behind, for example, the problems clearly and timely given the appropriate policies and measures.
    Keywords  rural children left behind   educational problem   countermeasures 
    目   次
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究的意义    1
    1.2留守儿童研究的目的    1
    1.3 国内关于农村留守儿童问题的综述    2
    2 留守儿童产生的背景及其原因    3
    2.1留守儿童产生的背景    3
    2.2产生的原因    3
    3 留守儿童调查研究及问题对策与建议    6
    3.1 调查设计及结果    6
    3.1.1调查的目的    6
    3.1.2调查对象    6
    3.1.3调查方法    6
    3.1.4调查情况    6
    3.2留守儿童在教育上存在的问题    7
    3.3留守儿童的抗逆力问题    8
    3.3关于留守儿童的建议和对策    9
    3.3.1对父母的建议    9
    3.3.2对学校的建议    10
    3.3.3对政府的建议    10
    结论    11
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