摘 要:传统的美术教学基本都是向学生单向教授知识,培养学生德育。然而随着时代的发展、进步,传统教学模式已大幅度的落后于时代,不能满足学生对知识的认知,所以转变教育观点,变新教学形式刻不容缓。传统的教学方法是以教师作为教学主体,课堂是教师个人的独角戏,而现今教育教学已有了很大的改革,课堂开始变成教师与学生、学生与学生之间乐于互动的学习气氛,这使原本乏味无趣的课堂教学变得生动起来,学生也能在愉悦中获取更多的美育知识,美术能力得以提升,极大的体现了美术教学中互动式教学模式的重要性。92431
Abstract:Traditional fine arts teaching basic knowledge are one-way professor to students, cultivate students' moral education However, with the development and progress of The Times, the traditional teaching mode has greatly behind The Times, can't satisfy the student to the knowledge of cognitive, so changing education view, new teaching form is urgently needed The traditional teaching method with teachers as the main teaching, the classroom is a teacher personal monologue, and now has a lot of the education teaching reform, classroom began to become between teachers and students and students willing to interactive learning atmosphere, which makes the original boring classroom teaching becomes vivid, students can get more knowledge of aesthetic education in pleasure, enhance its ability of fine arts, great reflected in fine arts teaching the importance of interactive teaching mode。来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766
Keywords:Art-teaching, interactive teaching, aesthetic education, intrigue
目 录
引言 3
1 美术教学中互动式教学模式的优势 3
1。1 有利于构建良好的互动情境 3
1。2 有利于调动师生参与教学的积极性 4
1。3 有利于激发学生的潜力、帮助学生发现自己的优势 4
2 提高关注互动教学模式的意识 5
2。1 教师要强化师生互动 5
2。2 教师要关注生生互动 5
3 从课堂实际出发多方面引导学生进行互动 6
3。1 运用实验互动进行导入,激发学生兴趣 6
3。2 采用互动赏析作品,提高审美感知 7
3。3 引用互动进行示范,调动学生参与性 7
3。4 运用评价互动,激发学生创造力 7
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11