      Research on the Guidance Strategies and Activities of the Bottom Class Children in Painting
    -- Taking Zhoukou city S kindergarten as an example
    Abstract: Painting is an important part of early childhood education, which plays a crucial role on the formation of children's artistic accomplishment and esthetic appeal's enhancement. In this paper, the author mainly used of the literature method and observation method, through the observation of  the development of the painting activities of Zhoukou city S kindergarten. The author from the preparation, activity content, the performance of children, teacher guidance, and several other aspects of the research of teacher evaluation, summarized the beneficial experience in the process of teachers' guidance, and put forward the corresponding strategy in view of the existing questions. Such as the form of organization existing teaching activities in the kindergarten class for painting was single, and children can not be reflected in activity, and the teachers payed attention to result in the process and evaluation of works of children and so on. To adopt flexible forms of organization, the children should be reflected in activity and the teachers should pay attention to the process of painting. By this way, we can give the future direction of activities effectively for small children painting, and make the children's imagination and creativity to get the biggest development in painting activities , and promote the development of  teachers and children  two-way.  The activities of small children painting will be more effective.
    Keywords: Bottom class children; Painting activities; Guidance strategy
    目  录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、幼儿绘画活动的涵义    2
    二、幼儿绘画活动的价值    3
    (一)绘画可以满足幼儿自我表达和情感的需要    3
    (二)绘画活动有利于发展幼儿的观察力、想象力和创造力    3
    (三)绘画活动可以培养幼儿手、眼、脑协调活动的操作能力    3
    (四)绘画活动可以丰富幼儿的生活知识经验    4
    三、小班幼儿绘画活动中教师指导的现状分析    4
    (一)小班幼儿绘画活动指导过程中的有益经验    4
    (二)小班幼儿绘画活动指导过程中的存在的问题    6
    四、小班幼儿绘画活动的指导策略    7
    (一)采取灵活多样的活动组织形式    7
    (二)活动中要发挥幼儿的主体性    8
    (三)重视幼儿的绘画过程,满足幼儿的情感表达    8
    (四)对幼儿的绘画活动评价要及时和全面    9
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