


    Exploration of Junior High School Teaching Content Design Based on the Goal of Emotional Attitude and Value

    Abstract: junior high school chemistry new curriculum reform has been put forward to "emotion, attitude and values" as the core of the junior high school chemistry curriculum of the three-dimensional teaching objectives. In the full time compulsory education chemistry curriculum standard (Experiment) > also clearly put forward in the junior middle school chemistry teaching activities of "emotion, attitude and values" of the corresponding requirements. But in the specific implementation process, due to the traditional exam oriented education and some teachers in the teaching activities of "emotional attitude and values" target fuzzy or even ignored the constraints, resulting in "emotional attitude and values" in the teaching process and cannot get due attention. " The sense of state and value sense view "goal at the beginning of the design on and teaching contents and teaching effect exists deviation in disjointed, leading to its objective is too broad and general. In this paper, the study of literature analysis combined with the current situation of the teaching of chemistry in junior high school and junior high school chemistry" emotion, attitude and value value view, "the connotation of the target, to teaching design case as the carrier, puts forward some improved methods and the implementation of the strategy.

    Key Words: emotion attitude value; three dimensional goal; junior middle school chemistry; instructional design; new curriculum

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    引  言 2

    1.  教学内容设计 4

    1.1、目标设计案例评析 4

    1.2、空气是一种宝贵的资源教学设计 4

    1.3、爱护水资源设计 7

    2. 结语 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢词 14 


    引  言


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