


     A study on the problems and Countermeasures of Chinese non-written homework in middle grade of primary school


     Written assignments and non-written assignments are complementary to each other.The problems of Chinese non-written work in the middle grade are as follows : the lack of attention; the lack of interaction between teachers and students, form monotonous, lack of creativity; not easy to get feedback and evaluation of the system; Ignore the differences of students' thinking ability; parents do not cooperate. The countermeasures to improve the effectiveness of Chinese non-written work in middle grade are as follows: Pay attention to the role of non-written work; use non-written work to strengthen the role of interaction between teachers and students; pay attention to the form of non-written work change, pay attention to the innovation of the form of non-written work; Pay attention to the feedback and evaluation of non-written work; for different students to arrange suitable for Chinese language homework; parents should be appropriate and guide students; control the amount of non-written work, improve the quality of work.

    Key Words: rade in primary school  Chinese  non-written work  problem countermeasure

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一、引言 1

    二、小学语文非书面作业理论探析 2

    (一)小学语文非书面作业的形式 2

    (二)小学语文非书面作业的意义 3

    三、中年级语文非书面作业存在的问题 4

    (一)不受重视 4

    (二)缺乏师生积极的角色互动 5

    (三)形式单调,缺乏创造性 5

    (四)难以得到系统的反馈与评价 7

    (五)漠视学生思维能力差异 8

    (六)家长不配合 9

    四、提高中年级语文非书面作业实效性的对策 10

    (一)重视非书面作业的作用 10

    (二)利用非书面作业加强师生的角色互动 11

    (三)注重非书面作业的形式变化与创新 11

    (四)重视非书面作业的反馈与评价 14

    (五)针对不同学生布置适合的语文非书面作业 16

    (六)家长应该适当配合和指导学生 17


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