


     Research on the Primary School Middle Age Class Composition Teaching


    Primary school composition teaching is not only emphasis and difficulty in Chinese teaching in primary school,and is an important part of language education in primary school,especially primary school middle age class composition teaching is the beginning of primary school composition teaching. It is can be said that primary school middle age class composition teaching laid an important foundation for the composition teaching of the entire primary school language education stage and even the entire compulsory education stage.primary school middle age class composition teaching is closely related to cultivation of students' Chinese accomplishment. However,there are still a lot of problems and defects in the teaching of composition in primary school.Therefore, the author will study the main problems in the primary school middle age class composition teaching,try to find out the solution to the problem of the method or strategy, so as to improve the grade of primary school composition teaching quality, improve students' writing ability.

    Key Words: medium grade of primary school  composition teaching  corpus of composition teaching  kid’s field of vision

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一、引言 1

    (一) 小学中年级作文教学现状 1

    二、小学中年级作文教学存在的问题 3

    (一) 作文教学观念滞后 3

    (二) 作文教学方法陈旧、僵化 4

    (三) 作文评价标准过高,评语缺少指导作用 5

    (四) 作文反馈环节弱化 6

    (五) 学生习作的主动性和个性的缺失 7

    三、小学中年级作文教学问题的成因剖析 9

    (一) 应试教育体制的影响 9

    (二) 缺少观察和体验,不重视写作素材获取 9

    (三) 经典阅读及其指导的不力 10

    (四) 传统教育理论中的“三中心论”束缚学生的个性 10

    四、小学中年级作文教学优化策略 12

    (一) 转变教学观念,树立大作文教学观 12

    (二) 灵活运用各种教学方法,激发学生写作兴趣 12

    (三) 读写结合,以读促写 13

    (四) 重视作文修改和评讲环节

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