摘要 本文首先从众筹融资模式的概念入手,先分析众筹所具有的特性,研究其运行机制,进而梳理众筹的模式分类,以呈现完整的众筹概念,详细说明了众筹融资模式的优势。其次,通过对众筹的发展现状的研究,根据众筹的互联网金融属性,剖析中国众筹模式在发展中存在的问题。归纳出其存在的信用风险、操作风险以及法律风险。针对这些风险,结合中国众筹模式的实际情况,本文分别从各类风险层面出发,提出加快建立市场准入制度、加强平台自身建设、完善众筹监管的法律规范等建议,旨在探索一条符合中国众筹模式发展的道路,充分发挥众筹在促成资本融合、鼓励创新、推动经济发展的巨大潜能。4428
This paper starts from the concept of crowd-funding, first analyzing its characteristics and operating mechanism, discussing more specific categories of this financing mode for a full understanding of its concept, and then describing in detail its advantages. Secondly, through an analysis of the current development of crowd-funding, it illustrates existing problems in the development of crowd-funding in China, and gives corresponding suggestions. Finally, in response to the features of crowd-funding as a form of Internet finance, the paper sums up its credit risks, operation risks and legal risks. Catering to these risks and considering actual situations of crowd-funding in China, this paper gives suggestions on risk management and supervisions, with the aim to find a suitable way of developing crow-funding in China, which will give full play to its enormous potential in promoting capital integration, encouraging innovation, and driving economic growth.
Key words:crowd-funding; development; risk management
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一、前言 - 1 -
(一)研究背景 - 1 -
(二)研究意义 - 1 -
(三)研究方法 - 2 -
二、文献综述 - 2 -
(一)国外文献综述 - 2 -
(二)国内文献综述 - 4 -
三、众筹融资模式概述 - 4 -
(一)众筹的概念 - 4 -
(二)众筹的运作机制 - 5 -
(三)众筹模式分类 - 6 -
四、众筹模式的发展现状及问题 - 8 -
(一)发展现状 - 8 -
(二)发展问题 - 8 -
五、众筹模式的发展对策 - 10 -
(一)信用风险对策 - 10 -
(二)操作风险对策 - 11 -
(三)法律风险对策 - 11 -
优尔、结语 - 12 - 参考文献 - 13 -
致 谢 - 14 -