Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, China's real estate market after 30 years of development, China's macroeconomic has become an important part. From 1980s, China's real estate prices continued to rise, the impact on the national standard of life is extremely far-reaching. Real estate prices have been the problem often discussed, China's real estate market since the birth, there are many problems. This article discusses the reasons why real estate prices have continued to rise from the root causes, and explores whether real estate developers earn real profits during the real estate development process. Which can be seen in China's real estate prices in the future trend, and finally the government's macro policy make some suggestions, while housing consumers and investors to put forward some feasible suggestions.
Keywords: Real estate prices; benefit distribution; land finance; rational investment
Real Estate Price Trend and Distribution of Related Interests in Land Marketization
目 录
0引言 1
1.1国外研究综述 1
1.2国内研究综述 2
2我国房地产市场的现状分析 3
2.1绝对房价 4
2.2房价收入比 5
2.3空置率 6
2.4供给端开发商的债务杠杆 8
3我国房价的构成分析 9
3.1地价 9
3.2建筑安装工程费 10
3.3销售管理和融资成本 10
3.4税费 11
3.5开发商利润 12
3.6从房价构成中预测未来房价趋势 13
4 均衡房地产市场利益的对策 15
4.1政府应加强宏观调控 15
4.2政府应提高行政管理效率 16
4.3消费者应理性参与房地产市场 16
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20