关键词 存款保险 单一费率 风险调整费率 预期损失定价模型 毕业论文外文摘要
Title: The rate calculation of the deposit insurance system and the analysis of its basic problems
In the past 20 years, due to the relaxation of financial regulation and quickly process of economic globalization, governments need to focus on maintaining the stability of the financial system and the banking system in financial institutions is an important part of the stability of the financial system. We can see that deposit insurance which can protect the interests of depositors and the stability of the financial system is an important tool to protect the banking system. In the deposit insurance system, the computation of the deposit insurance premium is the most important content in this system. Only if the government formulates the proper deposit insurance premium, deposit insurance enable to ensure the effective implementation of the deposit insurance system and reduce the moral hazard and adverse selection. So this thesis will focus on the deposit insurance rate and use the expected loss pricing model to estimate the deposit insurance rate of our country.
In this thesis, the first part mainly introduces the background and significance of deposit insurance system and the development of existing foreign deposit insurance system, which focuses on the United States and Japan. The thesis will describe the change of these two historical deposit insurance rate. The latter part is the most significant part of this thesis. This part mainly introduces two current mainstream deposit insurance rates—single rate and risk adjusted rates, which may cause the moral hazard and adverse selection problems. At the same time, the status of deposit insurance system in China is introduced and the expected loss pricing model is used to calculate the default loss rate, exposure risk and expected default rate. Also, the calculation of the expected default rate is pided into the market analysis method and the use of credit rating agencies rating. Market analysis method is mainly calculated according to China's 15 top banks’ annual report of deposits and assets data. Credit rating method is mainly calculated the deposit insurance premium by using 12 Chinese outstanding bank ratings at standard & Poor's and Moody's rating.