摘 要:出口信用保险一直是我国贸易发展的一个重要研究领域。虽然我国现出口信用保险还存在一定问题,但由于它对我国出口贸易的巨大作用,也一直被我国政府所重视。本文通过对出口信用保险与出口贸易之间联系的分析得出出口信用保险对我国出口贸易的结算方式,融资便利性,以及企业的经营安全都有促进作用。同时结合贸易实际分析出口信用保险在法律完善,风险防范等存在着不完善的地方,最后提出有关部门应通过立法,进一步完善我国出口信用保险体制,同时建立与企业共赢的机制,着眼国际水准,为出口企业服务。36787 毕业论文关键词:出口信用保险;损失;出口贸易
The Research of The Influence of Export Credit Insurance to Our Country Export
Abstract: Export credit insurance has always been an important research field of our country's trade development. Although now the export credit insurance still exist certain problems in our country, but its enormous importance to our country export trade, also has been paid great attention in our government. This article through to the export credit insurance and export trade link between the analysis of export credit insurance to our country export trade settlement way, financing convenience, and the management of the enterprise security has a promoting effect. According to the analysis of the trade, improve the export credit insurance in law, risk prevention, etc. There are drawbacks, and finally put forward the relevant departments should pass legislation, to further improve China's export credit insurance system, establish and enterprise win-win mechanism at the same time, focus on the international level, service for export enterprises.
Key Words: Export credit insurance; Loss; Export trade
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