摘 要:就淮安烟草业发展来说,其烟草业收入是财政收入的重要来源之一,配合国家对烟草及其产品实行的专卖制度,淮安烟草经济得到了较快的发展,但也存在竞争不充分等许多不容忽视的问题。本文以烟草专卖制度的利弊为切入点,通过对淮安烟草业现状的分析,采用资料分析的手段找出淮安烟草业发展中存在的问题及问题产生的原因,在此基础上从行业自身经营发展及政府健全体制等方面提出解决问题的对策,以促进淮安烟草业长期持续发展。59803
毕业论文关键词: 烟草,专卖制度,行业经济,淮安
Abstract : In respect of the tobacco industry of Huai'an, the income of tobacc industry is an important source of government revenue. With the state tobacco monopoly system,tobacco economy of Huai’an has been rapid development.But there are also insufficient competition and many other issues can not be ignored. This paper, for the pros and cons of the tobacco monopoly system as a starting point, to be on the status of Huai'an tobacco industry analysis, using the means of data analysis of the tobacco industry to identify the problems and causes, and on this basis, propose solutions to this problem in terms of the industry itself sound business development and government institutions, in order to promote long-term sustainable development of the tobacco industry in Huai'an.
Keywords:tobacco, monopoly system, Industry Economy, Huai'an
1 引言 3
2 烟草专卖制度下淮安烟草业发展现状 3
2.1 淮阴卷烟厂品牌培育现状 4
2.2 近年来淮安市烟草专卖制度实施取得的成效 4
2.3 烟草制品业成为淮安经济发展的中流砥柱 5
3 烟草专卖制度下淮安烟草业发展存在的问题分析 5
3.1 烟草行业内部专卖管理监督缺失 6
3.2 卷烟市场品牌杂乱直接影响零售商利润 6
3.3 控烟计划冲击下烟草供给量需求量均减少 7
4 烟草专卖制下淮安烟草业发展对策分析 7
4.1 严格内部专卖管理监督以稳定内部运行秩序 7
4.2 加强品牌培育并发挥市场在资源配置中的作用 8
4.3 加快烟草产品转型 10
结 论 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13
1 引言