本文基于社区物流O2O模式,研究并提出社区物流服务体系,分析社区物流的配送模式,并针对其存在的问题应用SWOT分析法提出相应的措施和建议,旨在帮助解决社区物流“最后一公里”问题,推动物流业发展。通过对京东到家这一案例的分析,更加明确了社区物流作为社区O2O的核心,其配送模式的改革与创新,对于企业市场价值之重要,对于消费者需求影响程度之深,为其他社区物流的发展模式提供了参考。 75273
Abstract:With the advent of the “Internet+ era” as well as the rapid development of the electronic commerce and electronic society, there is an increasing demand for logistics service。 Therefore, the “Last-Mile” in E-Commerce logistics being the unique stage to face client has become the key to get through all of the logistics distribution。 But there are still a lot of problems about the “Last-Mile”。
The community logistics based on O2O model, to study and propose community service logistics system, logistics distribution mode of community。 What is more,this paper propose appropriate measures and recommendations for the application of its problems SWOT analysis to help solve community logistics "last kilometer" problems, and promote the development of the logistics industry。 Through analysis on the case of Jingdong home, and more specifically the community of logistics as a core community O2O, the reform and innovation of its distribution model, for the enterprise market value is important, the influencing degree of consumer demand deep, for other community logistics development mode。
Keyword:Electronic Commerce; Community Logistics;Community O2O;Last-Mile
目 录
1、绪论 4
1.1 选题背景以及意义 4
1.2 研究内容 5
1.3 研究方法 5
1.4 研究中存在的问题 5
1.5 技术路线 6
2、相关文献综述 6
2.1电商物流研究综述 7
2.2 物流配送研究综述 7
2.3 社区物流研究综述 7
2.4 物流发展模式总结 8
3、社区物流“最后一公里”理论分析 8
3.1 社区物流的发展现状以及前景 8
3.2 社区物流发展的特点 9
3.3 社区物流配送模式的分析 10
3.4 社区物流的SWOT分析 12
4、社区物流O2O模式案例分析---京东到家 14
4.1 京东到家的背景情况 14
4.2京东到家的典型性以及竞争对手分析 14
4.3 京东到家的环境分析