    毕业论文关键词: 投标机会决策;投标报价决策;模糊综合评价;博弈论
     The study of project Bidding Strategies for Construction Enterprise
    Abstract: At this stage in the construction market, bidding becomes the main mode of obtaining business activities for construction enterprise. This article tries to research projects bidding strategy using combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis method from the the perspective of bidders-construction enterprises.
    After literature review of related theoretical basis and general procedure, the thesis proposes the bidding decision point, and focuses on tendering opportunity decision and tendering price decision. The thesis puts forward specific strategies based on tendering opportunity decision, and suggests a multi-factors model that on the basis of fussy appraisal, Upon the analysis of before, it gives the fussy appraisal model which solving the problem of tendering opportunity. And then builds a model on the basis of game theory that solving the problem of tendering price, the model are responsible to the types of tendering appraisal system, and analyzes the legitimacy and practicable of the models through two examples. The same time, strategies of the technical bid including technical plan and management program are analyzed, pointing out that to make full use of their advantages, making preparations of competitive technical management program.
    Finally, contract negotiation in the bid evaluation selection stage and risk management can not be ignored. Only to seize the owner's psychological in the negotiation process, with its own advantages and certain skills, bidder will achieve the goal.
    KeyWords: Tendering Opportunity Decision; Tendering Price Decision; Fussy Appraisal; Game Theory
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 研究意义    1
    1.3 本文研究内容    2
    2 工程项目招投标相关理论综述    3
    2.1 招标投标基本概念    3
    2.2 招投标一般程序    3
    2.3 招投标基本原则    6
    2.4 投标策略与决策的相关概念    7
    2.4.1 投标策略与决策的关系    7
    2.4.2 投标决策关键点分析    8
    3 工程项目投标机会决策分析    11
    3.1 基于投标机会决策的策略分析    11
    3.1.1 投标项目分析    11
    3.1.2 投标人的自我评价    12
    3.1.3 业主实力与招标文件分析    12
    3.1.4 竞争对手条件分析    13
    3.2 投标机会决策模型的建立及应用    14
    3.2.1 模糊综合评价原理    14
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