      Mergers and acquisitions is a product of the development of market economy, but also can be used as an important method for enterprise development, the rapid development of modern enterprise occupies an indispensable position. However, M & A failure rate is very high, resulting in failure for many reasons. M & A target selection as inappropriate assessment, integration of corporate culture improper. Find and evaluate corporate goals is the first step in mergers and acquisitions, but also the most important step. Find the ideal business goals, for the purposes of mergers and acquisitions will be successful in half.
      M & A in this paper, the theory discussed in detail, and the research status at home and abroad were reviewed. Made to determine what information, access to information and methods. Proposed mergers and acquisitions of search and evaluation methods, including evaluation criteria for the analysis of the target company to determine the target, followed by industrial, legal, operational, financial and risk assessment as well as five large merger and acquisition target's financial feasibility constraints for analysis. Finally, Lenovo's acquisition of IBM, for example, specific analysis of mergers and acquisitions in the actual target search and evaluation process.
    KeyWords: M & A;;M&A motivation ;goal seeking;goal evaluation ;risk analysis
    目 录

    中文摘要    2
    Abstract    3
    1 绪论    4
    1.1论文研究的背景目的及意义    6
    1.1.1 论文研究的背景    6
    1.1.2 论文研究的目的及意义    7
    1.2国内外研究现状    8
    1.3 论文的总体思路    10
    2企业并购目标搜寻的方法    11
      2.1 并购目标的信息收集与处理    12
      2.2 并购战略的评判标准    13
      2.3 目标企业的来源于审查    14
    3 企业并购前景描述与目标评估    15
    3.1企业并购的前景描述    16
    3.2并购目标的评估    17
    3.3 并购目标的财务约束与并购方案    18
    3.4 小结    19
    4 研究分析与应用    20
    4.1联想收购IBM的基本概况    20
    4.2联想收购IBM的动因分析    21
    4.3联想收购IBM的选择与评估过程    22
    4.4联想收购IBM的风险分析    23
    4.5小结    24

    结论    25
    参考文献    26
    致谢    28,4690

     1.1 论文研究的背景目的及意义
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