    Ownership Structure, Managerial Power and Corporate Cash Holdings
    Abstract:The agency conflict, which is caused by the separation of ownership and management rights for modern enterprises, is one of the important reasons for the company to hold too much cash. The strength of managerial power can measure the severity of agency problems. Using the data from 2011 to 2015 of Chinese listed companies as samples, generating the comprehensive variable of managerial power with the method of principal component analysis, this paper empirically examines the relationship between managerial power and cash holdings, the influence of ownership structure on the relationship. This study finds that managerial power has a significant positive impact on the company's cash holdings. The positive impact of managerial power on the company's cash holdings in the non-state-owned enterprises is more significant compared to state-owned enterprises. Finally, when the equity is decentralized, shareholders lack motivation to constrain manager’s opportunistic behavior,which enhances the positive impact of managerial power on the company's cash holdings. When the proportion of the largest shareholder is greater than or equal to 50 percent, the positive impact of managerial power on the company's cash holdings is also enhanced. However, the positive impact of managerial power on the company's cash holdings is weakened when the proportion of the largest shareholder holdings is between 30 percent and 50 percent.
    Key words: Managerial Power; Corporate Cash Holdings; Ownership Structure
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    2
    二、文献综述    2
    (一)公司持有现金的相关研究    2
    1.公司持有现金的动机    2
    2.公司现金持有的影响因素    2
    (二)管理层权力的相关研究    3
    1.管理层权力的定义及衡量    3
    2.管理层权力与企业现金持有的关系    3
    三、理论分析与研究假设提出    4
    (一)理论分析    4
    (二)研究假设提出    5
    四、研究设计    6
    (一)样本选择与数据来源    6
    (二)变量定义    6
    (三)模型设计    7
    五、实证分析与结果解释    8
    (一)描述性统计    8
    (二)相关分析    9
    (三)管理层权力与企业现金持有的回归分析    10
    (四)股权结构、管理层权力与企业现金持有的回归分析    10
    1.管理层权力与企业现金持有的回归分析(以终极控制人类型为背景)    10
    2.管理层权力与企业现金持有的回归分析(以大股东控制为背景)    11
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