    Study on the relationship between the capital structure and profitability of listed retail companies in China
    Retail industry is one of the most important industry in the tertiary industry in our country, which is closely related to national economy and people's life. Retail listed companies for stimulating consumption demand in our country, promoting the improvement of people` living standards is of great significance. Researching on retail listed companies' capital structure can help to optimize the financing channels and reduce the financial risks. This paper selects 58 retail listed companies on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange in China as research samples, using asset-liability ratio, earnings per share, current ratio, inventory turnover rate and other indicators to explore the relationship between capital structure and profitability. Finally, we conclude that the rate of assets and liabilities of enterprises is significantly negative to the return on net assets, main business profit margins, liquidity ratio and stock turnover.   .
    Key words: Retail industry; the listed company; the capital structure; profitability;
    引言    1
    一、零售业简介    2
    (一)零售业概念    2
      1.零售业的定义    2
      2.零售业的分类    2
    (二)我国零售业上市公司现状    2
      1.我国零售业上市公司的发展    2
      2.我国零售业上市公司发展中存在的问题    3
    二、目前国内外的相关研究成果    3
    (一)国外相关研究成果    3
    (二)国内相关研究成果    3
    三.本文所用到的研究理论    4
    (一)资本结构定义    4
    (二)资本结构理论发展    4
    (三)最优资本结构    4
    四、相关指标构建与数据分析    5
    (一)调研数据概况    5
    (二)具体调研数据    6
    (三)调研数据分析    7
    (四)研究假设    8
    (五)回归分析    8
      1.多重共线性的检验和修正    9
      2.结论    14
    五、总结与建议    15
    (一)总结    15
    (二)具体对策建议    15
      1.提高企业的盈利能力    15
      2.降低企业的负债利率    15
      3.选择合理的还本付息方式    15
    优尔、谢辞    16
    七、主要参考文献    17
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