    Family Business Internal Control
    Abstract: 65%~80% of the global business is a family business and about 40% of the world’s top 500 is a family business. The family business is of universal significance business type and occupies an indispensable position in the economic sphere. More than 90% of China’s domestic sector is a family business. However, China’s enterprises, especially family businesses are still many problems in internal control concepts and methods. The article begins with the concept of internal control of the family business, analyzing internal control of the family business status quo, describe the theoretical basis and features of the concept of internal control of the family business and reveal the problems of China’s current family business internal control. Then, presenting the necessary for internal control in our family business applications on the basis of foreign studies, according to the actual situation of our family business; and proposes a feasible strategy to improve internal control in the family business in China a few more.
    Keywords: Family business; Internal control; Talent bottleneck; Corporate culture
    目   录
    引   言    1
    一. 家族企业内部控制概述    2
    (一)家族企业的定义与界定    2
    (二)内部控制的含义    2
    (三)内部控制的重要性    2
    (四)家族企业内部控制的特点    3
    二、家族企业内部控制存在的问题    3
    (一)家族企业内部控制薄弱    3
    (二)家族企业内部机制不健全    4
    (三)内部监督失效和缺失    5
    (四)企业内外边界模糊,控制活动划分不清    5
    三、家族企业内部控制存在问题的成因分析    6
    (一)由下而上高度集权制的管理    6
    (二)信息不对称    7
    (三)企业不重视会计控制    8
    四、解决家族企业存在问题的对策    8
    (一)完善企业内部控制环境使之更能适应社会经济环境    8
    (二)改善内部信息沟通机制    10
    (三)加强企业内部控制监督    11
    (四)改善控制活动    12
    结   论    14
    致   谢    15
    参  考  文  献    16
    引   言
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