    关键词:应收账款; 审计; 会计舞弊; 策略
    Common Problems and audit strategies In the Auditing Process of Accounting Receivables
    Abstract: Accounts receivables are the items which a company should get from another company who has purchased its products or labors, mainly including the items the company should charge from its debtor because of the products and labor the company has offered, the packing expense and freight and miscellaneous charges that the representing company has pre-paid. It is an important liquidity with high risk. Owing to its difference which is virtual from other physical assets, both listed and unlisted companies will cheat on accounts receivables, change profits on purpose, get rid of tax, corrupt state assets and cheat as more as they can.
    This paper discusses and analyses some listing corporation and non-listed company should be found of receivable account audit of the common problems, and then put forward the corresponding countermeasures to solve these problems,And then put forward the corresponding countermeasures to solve these problems. Accouts receivable financial problems surface, the issue is, in fact, involve the entire enterprise management of the entire process, and results of operations and business are closely related. Therefore, accounting for accounts receivable that exist in fraud cases, find the appropriate audit approach, to fully tap the potential of accounts receivable, accounts receivable in order to improve the economy, effectiveness and efficiency is of great significance.
    Keywords: account receivables; audit; accounting fraud; strategy
    目    录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究目的与意义    1
    (二)研究思路与方法    1
    (三)研究的基本内容与框架    .2
    二、应收账款审计的相关理论及研究综述    3
    (一)应收账款审计的目标及程序    3
    (二)应收账款审计的文献综述    3
    三、应收账款审计过程中常见的问题    5
    (一)应收账款的金额不真实    5
    1、虚假的应收账款导致销售收入的增减    5
    2、会计处理违背会计制度    5
    (二)应收账款与其它账户混淆    6
    (三)应收账款坏账准备的计提不合理    6
    1、随意改变坏账准备的计提比例    6
    2、坏账准备的计提基数错误    7
    (四)应收账款坏账损失的处理不合理    8
    1、坏账损失的确认随意、账务处理不及时    8
    2、坏账核销审批制度不完善    8
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